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Partnerskap med Yago testarena for autonome kjøretøy

Partnerskap med Yago testarena for autonome kjøretøy

Nordic Edge og YAGO går sammen for framtidens byutvikling. I felleskap skal de jobbe med utvikling av framtidens mobilitet, byplanlegging og urban infrastruktur.

Global Growth China

Global Growth China

China is experiencing increasing demand for environmentally friendly products and solutions. For the third time, Innovation Norway invites Norwegian companies to an export program to explore the unique opportunities in this market through the Global Growth China Green-Tech R&D Commercialisation 2021 programme.

Urbantech accelerator programme

Urbantech accelerator programme

Our partner Urbantech has launched a new round of its non-equity, pilot-focused accelerator programme. Cluster member InfoTiles highly recommends applying. Here's why. And note the application deadline: 25 April.

Skal finne nye distriktsinnovatører

Skal finne nye distriktsinnovatører

Sitter du på løsningen på sentrumsdøden i Vang? Vet du hvordan Lund kan styrke konkurranseevnen til kommunens hjørnesteinsbedrifter? Kan du stoppe fraflytting i Lebesby?

The City of Yantai

The City of Yantai

Get to know the city of YanTai. One of the cradles of China's modern industry is part of the Nordic Edge China 2021 conference programme.



Get to know DaXing. The South Gate of Beijing, a substantial smart city development project, will be presented at Nordic Edge China, May 26-27.

Kan din bedrift løse utfordringer i distriktskommuner?

Kan din bedrift løse utfordringer i distriktskommuner?

Vil du være med på å skape innovative muligheter for de tre distriktskommunene Lebesby i Troms og Finnmark, Lund i Rogaland og Vang i Innlandet? Bli med på Gnist: Innovasjonsprogrammet for smarte og bærekraftige byer og lokalsamfunn.

Nordic Edge China Conference

Nordic Edge China Conference

Welcome to a smart city knowledge exchange between the private and public sectors in China and the Nordics. Discover innovative smart city planning and solutions. Join for keynote talks and workshops with stakeholders from both China and the Nordic countries.

Register for Nordic Edge China

Register for Nordic Edge China

Nordic Edge China is a two-day international smart city knowledge exchange between China and the five Nordic countries. Registration for attendees in China will take place at the venue between 14:30 – 15:00 (Beijing time). The Conference and Parallel sessions are free of charge. Please register here to receive access to the live stream of the conference programme.

Watch Nordic Edge Cross-Atlantic at your own leisure

Watch Nordic Edge Cross-Atlantic at your own leisure

Nordic Edge Cross-Atlantic set out highlight some of the most pressing issues for cities in the Nordics and the United States to reach international climate goals. Through three sessions, high-level speakers from both sides of the Atlantic outlined the challenges and opportunities that lie in this feat. Watch the conference here.