Annual Report 2024
This Annual Report provides a look back at some of the key activities in 2024.
Join us in advancing a smarter and greener tomorrow by becoming a member of a Nordic Edge cluster.
As a Nordic Edge cluster member, you gain access to networking events, national and international promotion opportunities, innovation consortiums, talent recruitment support, and business consultancy services. Additional benefits include innovation scaling, testing programs, and connections to Norway’s top finance network.
This Annual Report provides a look back at some of the key activities in 2024.
NORO GREEN CITIES is a Romanian-Norwegian project collaboration dedicated to creating smarter, more sustainable urban spaces, where digital innovation meets environmental responsibility to improve the quality of life for residents and communities.
I 2020 ble Gnist lansert som et utfordringsdrevet innovasjonsprogram i regi av DOGA og Nordic Edge. Programmet har siden hatt som hovedformål å styrke norske kommuners evne til å skape mer bærekraftige, attraktive og inkluderende lokalsamfunn.