Say hi to the new students in the Innoasis Urban Energy Lab!
Future Energy Hub has chosen Innoasis as the location of their Urban Energy Lab, a co-creation space and platform for developing tomorrow’s renewable, energy efficient and distributed energy system. Here we aim at connecting the public sector, industry, citizen groups and academia in developing the urban energy systems of the future.
Through our collaboration with Future Energy Hub at the University of Stavanger, we are happy to have multiple students join us in Innoasis to write their thesis.
Innoasis provides a unique environment for the student to focus on their thesis, all while getting input from a professional network. We had a chat with some of the students to hear what they’re writing their thesis on and why they chose to apply for a desk in Innoasis.

Digitalisation and the green transition with Renate
Renate Albrigtsen Petersen has for a long time been wondering why digitalisation and the green transition always is presented as one. Why is it that when we speak about digitalisation, we assume that this is something sustainable? Through her master thesis she will therefore be looking at the digitalisation of sustainable development.
A topic like this is the perfect match for Innoasis and the residents here. Renate describes the positive impact of sitting together with people when working on a topic alone, and how she loves being part of a community of people with the same interests. Here she gets the chance to discuss topics with someone else, bringing new perspectives to what she is writing.

Solar energy with Alireza
Moving over to the energy related field, we have Alireza Ajorloo looking at renewable energy development, in particular, solar energy. He is researching solar access and the right to light assessment in outdoor urban spaces. Here he is focusing on two areas, Løkkeveien in Stavanger, and Midtbyen in Trondheim.
Alireza describes himself as lucky to have been introduced to Innoasis through Future Energy Hub.
“Working in a calm, friendly and professional space is instrumental for my studies” he says as he describes why he enjoys coming into the office every day.

Offshore wind turbines with Arif
Finally, we have Arif Arman, also looking at renewable energy. More specifically, he is focusing on offshore wind turbines at Utsira, and how this affects the island’s citizens. He aims at using non-Western points of view when looking at energy justice for the inhabitants.
Innoasis is a space of like-minded people, who are all interested in sharing ideas and passions. Arif describes himself as a more introverted person, so being in a friendly environment like Innoasis provides him with an arena to share his research with a relevant network.
We are so happy to have students from the University of Stavanger as part of our community here in Innoasis, and we are so happy to hear that this pace is providing value for them!