Come join us at this thematic tour and experience the future of mobility solutions. Everything from drones, mobility points and artwork expressing just and accessible mobility for all.
Transport: Walk
Departure from/return to: Oil museeum / Harbour in city centre
Time: 16:00 – 19:00
Registration: Maximum of 50 places – registration here
16.00 – 17.00: Oil Museum – Art Exhibition on Just Mobility Transitions
17.00-18.00: The future of mobility showcased at the Harbour
16.00 – 19.00: Open boat at Rygerelektra and Mobility debate “What does it take to become a flexilist in the Stavanger Region?

Art and Just Mobility Transitions
Can art bring forth new perspectives on future pathways for infrastructure?
Join us at this art exhibition where Margrehe Kolstad Brekke will give a guided tour of her work. A project developed through discussions between Rjukan Solar Punk Academy and JustMOBnet on accessibility and public transport in western Norway. The artist Margrethe Kolstad Brekke became aware of a bias and asked herself the question; “Why have I, who will never afford to buy a Tesla, read the biography of Elon Musk while I don’t know the names of the world’s three largest producers of electric busses?”. For the exhibition, Brekke has produced art that will inform those who wish to join Bussbrukernes Landsforening, as well as convey fragments of basic information on deployment of infrastructure for electric city-busses domestically and abroad.

The future of mobility solutions
The future of mobility is fuelled by three key technology-driven disruptive trends: electrification of vehicles, connected & autonomous vehicles and Mobility-as-a-Service. Come join us at the Harbour in Stavanger City to get a glimpse of what the future of mobility looks like.
Here, different companies will showcase their technology and pilots. Everything from wireless charging from Mobidock, weatherprotected e-bikes from Podbike, to an app that boost eco-friendly travels by Kobla and innovative charging from Supercharge.

Open boat and Mobility debate
Stop by “Open boat” at Rygelektra and get served refereshments along with some mobility talk with Kolumbus, Nivel, Nordic Edge, Stavanger municipality plus many more!
Later in the evening, there will be a panel discussion about mobility – “what does it take to become a flexiblist in the Stavanger Region?” (Flexilist= the mobility’s answer on flexitarian”.
Here, everything from autonomous buses and urban development to electric boats and densification will be adressed. The debate is moderated by Torgeir Waterhouse and the panel currently consist of Nivel, Smartbyen, Yago, Zeabuz, Kolumbus.
So join in for a fun evening with sharp opinions, arguments and smiles!
Read more about the event here