Nordic Edge Expo Mobility On the Move

Hvordan kan vi gjøre flere Siddiser til fleksilister?

Onsdag 22. september inviteres det til “Åpen Båt” på Rygerelektra i Stavanger. Kom innom for lett servering og en mobilitetsprat med Kolumbus, Nivel, Nordic Edge, Stavanger Kommune og fler. Lytt og delta i mobilitetsdebatt hvor vi snakker om bysykler, sparkesykler, bildeling, samkjøring, autonome og elektriske busser og båter og byutvikling.


16.00 – 18.00: Åpen båt

18.00 – 19.00: Mobilitetsdebatt – Hvordan kan vi få flere folk i Stavanger-regionen til å bli fleksilister*?

* Fleksilist = mobilitetens svar på flexiterianer


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Experienced policymaker with substantial experience working on ICT, digital, privacy and it-security policy, politics and media and communication strategy with management, companies, NGOs, Government and politics.

Founder and Co-Founder with a demonstrated history of working in the management consulting industry. Strong entrepreneurship professional skilled in Negotiation, ICT Strategy, and Management.


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Harald Sævareid is CEO of the Norwegian govtech startup Nivel. Harald is a design engineer with more than 20 years of experience in developing innovative, user-friendly products and services in the private and public sector, with a special eye for sustainable, scalable business models. He has got a strong passion for human-friendly cities.

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Ingrid har bred erfaring med byutvikling og komplekse planoppgaver. Ingrid er prosjektleder for områdereguleringen i Paradis, i avdeling for byutvikling i Stavanger kommune. Hun er utdannet arkitekt og har solid erfaring med arkitektur, urbant design og byutvikling igjennom hele sin karriere. Hun er opptatt av at god arkitektur og byutvikling skal bidra til en bedre hverdag for alle.

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Public Policy Manager i elsparkesykkelselskapet Tier som driver uteleie av sparkesykler i Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger og flere mindre kommuner på østlandet.

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YAGO is a test arena for autonomous mobility solutions and offers the physical and digital infrastructure to test a range of autonomous technologies such as bicycles, cars, pods, busses, robots and drones for passengers and goods. YAGO serve both as a test arena and as a show room for suppliers and other stakeholders.

Steinar Meling has broad management experience from the oil and gas industry covering upstream, mid-stream and downstream, national and international, and from both the operator and supplier side. After leaving the oil and gas industry Steinar served as COO of NORCE Norwegian Research Centre and played a key role in establishing the institute through the merger of 7 research institutes.

Steinar also has extensive board experience from companies in various industries such as property development, construction, logistics, health and oil and gas.  

Currently Steinar holds the position as CEO of YAGO AS and as Project Manager in Nordic Edge with special focus on mobility.

Meling holds a BA with Honours in Economics and Finance from Strathclyde University.

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Hanna Maria van Zijp is an urban planner, ferry nerd and director of public affairs in Zeabuz. Nordic tech company Zeabuz develops autonomous systems for clean, blue mobility solutions in sustainable cities of the future.

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Kristian Amlie has a varied background from bank and insurance, oil and gas, renewable energy, and health sector working with digitalization, business development and behavioral change. Now working as an sustainability advisor and mobility advisor at Bouvet. 

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Mobility and concept developer graduated from Norwegian Business School BI and the Royal Navy. Over 20 years of experience from marketing, advertising, media, sales, management, mobility, product and business development. The last five years co-creating award winning mobility solutions in Norway, and also co-founder of a soon-to-be-world-famous tech startup 😉  Defines himself as a flexilist; uses various mobility solutions, normally walking, city e-bike and trains, and have a Care by Volvo-membership.

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