Language EnglishNordic Edge Expo

Panel Discussion – Why health data is so hard to use – and why it’s not

Better use of health data could improve patient outcomes, improve life expectancy, and potentially cure diseases, yet there’s a hugely untapped potential in this area. So let´s discuss the challenges and possibilities to make our vast amounts of personal health data the “new oil”.

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Experienced policymaker with substantial experience working on ICT, digital, privacy and it-security policy, politics and media and communication strategy with management, companies, NGOs, Government and politics.

Founder and Co-Founder with a demonstrated history of working in the management consulting industry. Strong entrepreneurship professional skilled in Negotiation, ICT Strategy, and Management.

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Jon is currently a technology advisor at Microsoft, focusing on the Norwegian healthcare industry. Previously he was a cloud data architect for 5 years, and has been in Microsoft for 12 year.

Jon has been a regular speaker at tech events since the mid 1990’s.

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