This panel discussion with be moderated by Hilde Sandvik.
- Kim Spiegelberg Stelzer, Smart City Senior Advisor, City of Copenhagen / Copenhagen Solutions Lab
- Kaisa Spilling, Development Manager, Forum Virium Helsinki
- Gunnar Crawford, Head of Stavanger Smart City
- Mia Lumio, Development Manager, City of Tampere

Kim has a background with Urban development in Denmark and Urban Management in the Netherlands. The last five years he has worked with smart city strategies and smart city initiatives for the City of Copenhagen in Copenhagen Solutions Lab. Kim combines his experience from previous jobs into transforming the smart city visions and strategies of Copenhagen into real solutions. Kim is, among other things, member of the board for the Danish smart city network for organizations in Denmark and is also founding partner and chairman of the Nordic Smart City Network with 20 Nordic Cities.

Kaisa Spilling (MSc. Econ) works as a Development Manager at Forum Virium Helsinki, a city owned innovation company. She is an innovation accelerator with + 10 years experience with cities, digitalisation & urban innovation. Her expertise lies in public-private-people collaboration and business development. She has been driving innovation platform development in Helsinki’s Innovation Districts, contributing to the national city network 6Aika and the Nordic Smart Cities Network.

Gunnar Edwin Crawford is head of Stavanger Smart City, innovating across public-private boundaries, co-creating the smart city of the future.
Gunnar has extensive hands-on experience with innovation and development within the fields of welfare technology, smart homes and smart cities.
He believes strongly in citizen involvement and uses the power of the smart city team to challenge and evolve the democratic processes of today.
He is a patent holder, and winner of a CES Innovation award. He has contributed in several EU projects, including two Horizon 2020 projects – Triangulum ( and Invade (
Crawford’s professional background is within ICT, energy and innovation. Gunnar is co-author of the book “Creating Disruptive Ecosystems” (2016 – ), about the importance of understanding new digital business models when innovating digital systems and services.

Mia Lumio is a co-creator and accelerator of public-private-people-research development, platforms and actions. She has a background as a forerunner especially on digitalization, platforms of various welfare services, knowledge management, HR and digital participation. She works as a development manager of Growth, Innovation and Competitiveness Services of the City of Tampere.