While the EU is aiming for climate-neutrality by 2050, some are taking it even further. Through the Horizon Europe’s Mission on Climate-neutral and smart-cities, cities all over Europe will send in applications to become one of a 100 carefully selected European cities that will politically bind themselves through Climate City contracts to become climate-neutral by 2030.
Mrs. Anna Lisa Boni, aside from being the secretary-general of EUROCITIES, is a member of the Mission Board on Climate-neutral and smart-cities. Mrs. Boni will provide us with important insights about the latest development of the city-mission, as well as how covid-19 has been the unforeseen joker for many cities, altering their economic outlooks.
10:15 – 10:30 Latest developments of the Horizon Europe Mission on Climate Neutral and Smart Cities
Keynote by: Anna Lisa Boni, member of the Mission Board on Climate-Neutral and Smart-Cities and Secretary-General EUROCITIES

Anna Lisa Boni has been secretary general of EUROCITIES since June 2014. She has 25 years of professional experience in EU public affairs in the field of local and regional government and has successfully worked for a stronger recognition of cities’ challenges within the European agenda.
Her aim is to act in a way that best serves European cities as key players in the European project and centres for generating renewal and growth. Anna Lisa has a Masters degree from the University of Bologna in political science, and from the University of Leuven in European studies.