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Nordic Fund Day Stavanger 2024

Nordic Fund Day Stavanger 2024

The diverse group of start-ups present at this Nordic Fund Day showcased solutions that will propel us towards a greener future in our cities.

29 May

Samsø - en modell for fornybar energi og lokal utvikling

Location Innoasis Urban Energy Lab, Sverdrups gate 27, 4007 Stavanger
Nordic Fund Day – Spurring Growth in Startups

Nordic Fund Day – Spurring Growth in Startups

Startups are the lifeblood of innovation, and nothing is more important than connecting early-stage companies with the right investors and capital to fuel their growth. This is why Nordic Edge is running its 7th edition of the Nordic Fund Day.

Are you in shape for innovation?

Are you in shape for innovation?

This was the question headlining our first session in our Accelerating Innovation program – jointly developed and offered by the University of Stavanger and Nordic Edge

How to build smarter and more sustainable communities in Serbia 

How to build smarter and more sustainable communities in Serbia 

Nordic Edge sharing insights on how to build smarter and more sustainable communities in Serbia

Fra utfordringer til muligheter: Bøndene setter klyngen i arbeid!

Fra utfordringer til muligheter: Bøndene setter klyngen i arbeid!

I prosjektet "Fremtidsbonden" har fremoverlente bønder fra regionen delt sine problemstillinger og utfordringer de står overfor i dagens raskt skiftende landskap. Disse problemstillingene legger til rette for omfattende innovasjon og utvikling innen Agritech-klyngen. 

8 Apr

Møt Rogalandsbenken på Innoasis 8.april

Location Nordic Edge, Innoasis, Sverdrups gate 27, Stavanger.

Tested In – a portal for test arenas

Tested In - a database for test arenas in the Rogaland region

4 Apr

An Urban Experiment at the Conduit

Location Kristian Augusts gate 21, 0164 Oslo