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Opptak av Go Global

Opptak av Go Global

Utfordringene som urbanisering fører med seg skaper nye muligheter for norsk næringsliv. Se opptak av webinaret Go Global - internasjonale muligheter innen smarte og bærekraftige byer.

Stor interesse for innovasjonsprogram for kommuner

Stor interesse for innovasjonsprogram for kommuner

42 kommuner fra samtlige fylker har søkt om å få bli med i Gnist – et innovasjonsprogram for steds- og næringsutvikling i lokalsamfunn, som tar utgangspunkt i reelle utfordringer i kommunene. Programmet er et initiativ av DOGA og Nordic Edge.

Political support for eSports initiative

Political support for eSports initiative

Stavanger City Council has decided to financially support our collaboration project Nordic eSports with 1 million NOK. "This support to eSports can prove to be a million worthwhile," writes the Editor-in-Chief of Dagsavisen Rogalands Avis.

Solving the generational IT-gap

Solving the generational IT-gap

Every year, young people give away IT support worth 50 000 NOK. The founders of our new member Kakadu, gave up their jobs to do something about that.

Student project becomes new company

Student project becomes new company

The idea for Co-Creators started at a student hackathon Nordic Edge co-organised in 2019. Now they have started a company and are piloting their concept in collaboration with the City of Stavanger.

Nordic Edge climbs the cluster ladder

Nordic Edge climbs the cluster ladder

Nordic Edge has been granted Arena Pro-status in the national programme for business and innovation clusters. With that Norway is strengthening innovation, business development and internationalisation within the smart city market.
