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Workout art challenge!

Workout art challenge!

Pay attention all gym teachers out there! You now have a chance to show the world what you and your class are good for. In our competition we encourage you to create art with workout apps. Draw with your feet!

Three days of EdTech – three main topics

Three days of EdTech – three main topics

The conference will be held over three days, each with one main topic: Digital is the new normal, Tools and toys, and Predictive learning. And guess what – you can tune in for free!

The KnowHow EdTech conference 2020 goes digital

The KnowHow EdTech conference 2020 goes digital

Educational technology could hardly be more important and relevant than it is right now. The conference will be held 23 - 25 September 2020, but not in an ordinary setting– we are giving you a digital conference this year.

The moderator

The moderator

We are pleased to announce that Tobias Heiberg Jørgensen will be this year’s conference moderator at the KnowHow EdTech conference. Tobias is the Head of the Teacher Education Programme at Playful Learning at at University College Copenhagen (Københavns Professionshøjskole).

Nordic Edge Expo Goes Digital

Nordic Edge Expo Goes Digital

Since its inception, Nordic Edge has worked for innovation, societal and business transformation. Along with the rest of the world the organisation is facing its biggest change to date. The 6th edition of the leading Smart City event in the Nordics, is going digital in 2020.