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Høyt aktivitetsnivå i Agritech fører til oppbemanning!

Høyt aktivitetsnivå i Agritech fører til oppbemanning!

Nye medlemmer kommer til i Agritech-klynga, Nordic Edge øker derfor staben og ønsker velkommen til Jack og Henrik.

19 Jun

Nordic Edge Summer Party

Location Innoasis, Sverdrups gate 27, 4007 Stavanger
Fra utfordringer til muligheter: Bøndene setter klyngen i arbeid!

Fra utfordringer til muligheter: Bøndene setter klyngen i arbeid!

I prosjektet "Fremtidsbonden" har fremoverlente bønder fra regionen delt sine problemstillinger og utfordringer de står overfor i dagens raskt skiftende landskap. Disse problemstillingene legger til rette for omfattende innovasjon og utvikling innen Agritech-klyngen. 


Future Farmer

The success of Agritech hinges on addressing fundamental challenges


Agritech Challenges

The success of Agritech hinges on addressing fundamental challenges


Target technologies

Unleashing Technology for Sustainable Growth.

14 Feb


Location Roslandsvegen 360, 4343 Orre
Model for predicting nutrient runoff takes home the win in Hack the Climate!
EU Projects

Model for predicting nutrient runoff takes home the win in Hack the Climate!

Team Continua is one of four winners during the Hackathon in Hack the Climate.

Nordic Edge mener Agritech er fremtiden for bærekraftig landbruk. 

Nordic Edge mener Agritech er fremtiden for bærekraftig landbruk. 

Jeg er veldig glad for at vi er i gang!

Gunnar Crawford joins the Nordic Edge team to lead new innovation initiative

Gunnar Crawford joins the Nordic Edge team to lead new innovation initiative

As a leading player in technology and innovation, we are in the process of creating a new and groundbreaking innovation environment in agricultural technology. To lead this ambitious initiative, we have recruited former Smart City director Gunnar Crawford, who brings solid experience and expertise. With this strategic decision, Nordic Edge opens up significant growth opportunities in the region and strengthens its reputation as a center for technological development and innovation.