Nordic Fund Day Stavanger 2024
The diverse group of start-ups present at this Nordic Fund Day showcased solutions that will propel us towards a greener future in our cities.
The diverse group of start-ups present at this Nordic Fund Day showcased solutions that will propel us towards a greener future in our cities.
Startups are the lifeblood of innovation, and nothing is more important than connecting early-stage companies with the right investors and capital to fuel their growth. This is why Nordic Edge is running its 7th edition of the Nordic Fund Day.
This was the question headlining our first session in our Accelerating Innovation program – jointly developed and offered by the University of Stavanger and Nordic Edge
Nordic Edge sharing insights on how to build smarter and more sustainable communities in Serbia
I prosjektet “Fremtidsbonden” har fremoverlente bønder fra regionen delt sine problemstillinger og utfordringer de står overfor i dagens raskt skiftende landskap. Disse problemstillingene legger til rette for omfattende innovasjon og utvikling innen Agritech-klyngen.
Say hi to the new students in the Innoasis Urban Energy Lab! Future Energy Hub has chosen Innoasis as the location of their Urban Energy Lab, a co-creation space and platform for developing tomorrow’s renewable, energy efficient and distributed energy system. Here we aim at connecting the public sector, industry,…
After a promising round of application from all over the Nordics, the jury from Antler, Contrarian Ventures, EIT Urban Mobility & Skyfall Ventures finally selected the 12 promising start-ups to pitch at the 7th edition of Nordic Fund Day!
Nordic Edge is built on the philosophy of “Smart with a heart.” This holds us accountable to always maintain a human focus in everything we do, and it should guide all our decisions. We will make it clearer how we navigate according to this philosophy by showcasing how various employees incorporate it into their roles and everyday work. Today: Malin’s perspective.
It’s all about the power of innovation. We are well into the new year, using insights and highlights from last year as a guide for what we will focus on more in 2024.
Nordic Edge er bygget på filosofien «Smart with a heart». Dette ansvarliggjør oss på å alltid bevare et menneske-fokus i alt vi gjør, og det skal være styrende for alle våre beslutninger. Fremover vil vi gjøre det tydeligere på hvilken måte vi navigerer etter dette gjennom å presentere hvordan ulike ansatte tar dette med seg i sin rolle og arbeidshverdag.
Nordic Edge teamet går straks inn for jule-landing. Vi gleder oss til å komme tilbake i januar med fulle batterier og en årsrapport som forteller om alt det kjekke vi har gjort i 2023. Dette har vært et hektisk byggeår, mye har skjedd.
Sammen med DOGA har vi vært på besøk hos Grue kommune og Averøy kommune på befaring med innovasjonsteamene deres som skal hjelpe dem med årets Gnist utfordring.
In short: Our members, startups, investors, academia, private and public sector. Not very clarifying you might say. Well, let us explain a little more.
Nordic Edge er stolte over å kunngjøre at den norske regjeringen har tildelt 20 millioner kroner til støtte og videreutvikling av to betydningsfulle norske prosjekter innenfor EUs forskningsprogram Digital Europe! Et av dem er EDIH Oceanopolis som vi i Nordic Edge er hovedpartner i.
Last week we gathered a handfull of urban changemakers in Oslo for a social experiment asking stakeholders within our four pilars the question: “What would be the ultimate urban experiment to disrupt …” Here’s a short summary of their exciting thoughts.
Team Continua is one of four winners during the Hackathon in Hack the Climate.
Ampliuz and Bikeloop are among the winners of the agile piloting competition at Site 4016.
Universitetet i Stavanger tilbyr en unik mulighet der din bedrift kan få hjelp til å løse en konkret utfordring eller problemstilling. Her samarbeider du med en internasjonal gruppe studenter og forskere som jobber for å finne en løsning på din utfordring slik at du kan ta steget videre.
Sammen med DOGA har vi vært på besøk hos Andøy kommune på befaring med innovasjonsteamene fra Lala Tøyen og Travers som skal hjelpe dem med årets Gnist utfordring.
A week at Smart City Expo World Congress has come to an end. Nordic Edge has been here supporting both big and small members.
Make sure to secure your spot to learn from the very best! Be a part of the change – and meet us in Stavanger on May 7-8, 2024. Tickets can be bought here 🎟
Four municipalities have been selected for the hackathon in the Hack the Climate project. To achieve their goals, they require your assistance!
Autonomous and emission-free water buses are the solution to many cities’ transportation challenges.
Mellom 17. og 19. oktober ble det holdt en workshop i Warszawa, der representanter fra lokale myndigheter i Polen og Norge samlet seg for å finne innovative løsninger for å håndtere klimautfordringene som byer står overfor.
Smart City Expo World Congress is the leading international event for the smart city sector. This is a key meeting point for experts and leaders of the world’s most innovative cities, companies, research centers and international organizations. This event will show the world the smart solutions shaping this new era. Together with our members we will move cities towards a better future.
– It’s inspiring to see the international interest in our Nordic start-ups, says Project Manager, Emilie Christensen.
Få muligheten til å teste løsningen din i en faktisk miljø – både teknisk og med brukere.
– Jeg er veldig glad for at vi nå er i gang!
Kulturbygging gjennom kultur. Ny fart med romfart. Stedsutvikling med innbyggerne i førersetet. Kulturminner som peker fremover. Nytenking rundt et pressutsatt tettsted. Nå er innovasjonsteamene som skal hjelpe årets Gnist-kommuner endelig klar.
The Nordic Edge Smart City Cluster continues to attract new companies from around Norway. Since the beginning of the year, the national Arena Pro cluster has added 18 companies from Oslo, Kongsberg, Kristiansand and Stavanger.
For the third destination in our Growth Tour we brought a Smart City Delegation to Copenhagen for go-to-market meetings and to attend Tech BBQ.
“Fantastisk”, sier prosjektleder fra DOGA Ingeborg Apall-Olsen.
Through a bridge between the world of education and technology exist the Knowhow Edtech Conference 2023.
After a promising round of application to Nordic Fund Day in Berlin, the jury from 2150, 2bX, BMW Ventures, KOMPAS VC and Planet A Ventures has selected the 11 promising start-ups to pitch to our international investor network.
Nordic Edge inviterer fire norske kommuner til å bli med oss på det polsk-norske prosjektet kalt Hack the Climate, som har som mål å finne nye løsninger på ulike klimarelaterte utfordringer.
Arendalsuka er en betydningsfull uke i nasjonen vår. Vi er en innovasjonklynge for smarte og bærekraftige byer, og vi var tilstede i Arendal for å lage lyd rundt våre medlemmers hjertesaker, og for å heve vår viktige stemme i samfunnet.
For the fourth year in a row we’re welcoming new interns to Nordic Edge from relevant master programs for their practice semester. Please welcome:
Nordic Edge continues to grow and our latest addition to the team is Anette Engh Bakke with a background from Innovation Norway.
In order to facilitate a green transition, and to make cities more resilient to environmental change, the Polish Development Fund and Nordic Edge will collaborate to develop new tools for greener cities.
Hva har Andøy, Averøy, Grue, Kragerø og Sarpsborg til felles? Jo, de er valgt ut til å være med i innovasjonsprogrammet Gnist som Nordic Edge og DOGA står bak. Nå søker de hjelp fra designere, arkitekter og andre innovasjonsmiljøer til å løse sine samfunnsutfordringer.
– It would’ve taken us years to get to where we are today without the help from Nordic Edge and Nordic Fund day, says CEO of Proptly Gunnar W. Shem.
The market for smart cities in Germany is growing at an average rate of 17 percent per year. This presents numerous opportunities for Norwegian companies, and in cooperation with Innovation Norway on the Global Growth export program we will emphasis mobility, urban development, and smart buildings.
As a leading player in technology and innovation, we are in the process of creating a new and groundbreaking innovation environment in agricultural technology. To lead this ambitious initiative, we have recruited former Smart City director Gunnar Crawford, who brings solid experience and expertise. With this strategic decision, Nordic Edge opens up significant growth opportunities in the region and strengthens its reputation as a center for technological development and innovation.
For the past six months, Nordic Edge has been an integral part of the New European Bauhaus lighthouse project formed around a consortium from Stavanger, Prague, and Utrecht.
Today we launch the date and title of the 9th edition of the Nordic Edge Expo. When: 7 – 8 May 2024 Where: Stavanger, Norway
Five forward-thinking municipalities have been chosen for this year’s Gnist program. To succeed, they need your help.
Five forward-thinking municipalities have been chosen for this year’s Gnist program. To succeed, they need your help.
Ten ambitious municipalities from across the country have attended the Gnist gathering at DOGA in collaboration with Nordic Edge. By June 1st, it will be clear who will be the final five Gnist municipalities.
Innoasis week has come to an end with over 450 guests, 45 speakers and 10 events.
What would a smart, green, sustainable city look like? Where everything flows effortlessly with efficient use of all resources and inclusion of every citizens? We do not have to full answer, but we’re seeing a glimpse of it through our cluster members and the solutions they develops.
The Nordic Edge Smart City Innovation Cluster held its annual meeting, and has elected a new steering group for the coming two-year period.
Ti kommuner fra hele Norge er klare for å kjempe om å bli årets Gnist-kommuner. Med utfordringer som områdesatsinger, transformasjon og boligmodeller, vil kommunene vise hvordan de kan tenke nytt og innovativt for å skape bærekraftige og gode steder for innbyggerne.
Nordic Edge is building for the future – both the community in our innovation hub Innoasis and our own team. We now have the pleasure of introducing three new colleagues.
Gnist is Nordic Edge and DOGA’s innovation programme for sustainable urban development. The programme aims at reaching ambitious municipalities that are eager to explore new ways of working towards better, greener and more vibrant cities and communities. Is this your municipality?
After a record breaking application round to Nordic Fund Day, the jury from Hafslund, ProVenture, Proptech1 and SNÖ has selected 11 promising start-ups to pitch to our international investor network.
The environmentally conscious manufacturer Bokhari is now in the process of making Nordic Edge Tote Bags made from GRS-certified 100% recycled cotton.
Nordic Edge was selected to present at a seminar for the parliamentary groups of the Norwegian Labour Party and the Centre Party regarding the new National Transport Plan (NTP).
The University of Stavanger’s research project Future Energy Hub places Innoasis by Nordic Edge as their meeting place for collaboration with private businesses and the public sector in the region.
Some of our collaborating universities are now looking for companies to take on motivated students for internships this coming autumn.
You may have heard the term ‘coworking’, and figured it has something to do with people working together, but did you know that it offers great potential for both social and business value?
At the beginning of last year, we published an article called “the cluster in numbers” and had the boldness of declaring that the year before laid the foundation for a great year in 2022. The conclusion is now that last year became a truly great year for the Nordic Edge smart city cluster and a great majority of our members.
Do you know how to make your municipality smarter and more sustainable? Does your municipality have an energy, transport or other challenge you would like to solve through new collaboration models, design methodology and citizen involvement?
Nordic Edge har ansatt Randi Augenstein som leder av Nordic Edge Innoasis. Hun skal videreutvikle og sikre Innoasis som et nasjonalt samlingspunkt og en plattform for urban innovasjon, testing og skalering.
The city of Tartu, Estonia’s second biggest city, has asked Nordic Edge to assist in the process of developing a smart city roadmap. The goal is to turn Tartu into a frontrunner city, showcasing innovative solutions for a climate-neutral and smart community.
Many of the clusters’ members have achieved international recognition and success this fall. One of them is the Urban-tech company InfoTiles, who are finalists in the Nordic Proptech Awards 2023, has won contracts abroad and received attention in Asian media.
I 2023 styrker Nordic Edge arbeidet med internasjonalisering på vegne av sine medlemmer. I forbindelse med dette vil fokuset ligge på økt tilstedeværelse på internasjonale arenaer, i tett samspill med norske, nordiske og internasjonale aktører og samarbeidspartnere.
The German smart city market grows by an average of 17% yearly, and it is expected that the turnover related to smart cities in Germany will be a whopping 84.7 billion euros by 2026! This offers many opportunities for Norwegian companies solving urban challenges.
With Nordic Fund Day less than a week away, it’s a good time to finally share that the first official investment after last Nordic Fund Day is a fact!
Tre runder med innovasjonsprogrammet Gnist viser at nye samarbeidsformer og kreativ metodikk danner et godt grunnlag for bærekraftig og innovativ steds-og næringsutvikling i norske kommuner over hele landet. Men programmet belyser også et behov for endring i dagens virkemiddelapparat.
Want to take advantage of educational technology in your teaching? We are collecting insight, tips and tricks from teachers who has tried and tested various tools. Our aim is to bring attention to tools, apps and programmes that are easily accessible and could be helpful to both teachers and students.
We are happy to announce that Steinar Meling has accepted the position as Senior Project Manager at Nordic Edge. His new role allows for the company to further strengthen its commitment as project partner.
Terran is looking for a full-time Senior Electrical Engineer on behalf of one of our clients, Ventum Dynamics Group (VDG). Application deadline: 24.10.2022
After receiving great applications from all over the Northern Europe, the jury from Nordic Ninja, Lyse Vekst, Smedvig Capital and Concentric has handpicked the most promising startups to present their business idea to our international investor network.
After meeting several times through Nordic Edge, the three before mentioned companies started talking about working together. With support from Innovation Norway, the collaboration is now underway.
It started as a project to boost companies solving urban challenges. Now it is taking form in the rebuild of the old Petroleum Directorate. The opening of Innoasis, Norway’s new hub for urban innovation, is approaching.
This week, cluster members Intoto, InfoTiles, Nablaflow and Innocode are on a delegation trip in Denmark to explore the possibilities that lie in expanding to abroad.
Do you want hands-on experience while studying? Bitmesh AS is looking for a creative student who can contribute with marketing and content creation.
Terran is looking for a full-time Project Manager on behalf of one of our clients, Ventum Dynamics Group (VDG). Application deadline: 27.09.2022
After two weeks in Finland and Sweden, Nordic Edge and cluster members have made new and enhanced relations with startups, investors, companies and public actors in the smart city marketplace.
The activity level in Nordic Edge is increasing after winning through with several project proposals, both within Norway and from the European Union. As a result, we will be looking for new additions to our team.
Are we outsourcing the classroom? An increasing number of independent technology suppliers and producers of educational content have entered the education system. Are they a threat to the established system – or an asset that improves the quality of education?
Over 100 engasjerte kommuneansatte, designere, arkitekter og virkemiddelaktører deltok på midtveissamling med Gnist-programmet for å skape mer attraktive og levende lokalsamfunn.
Terje Eide er konstituert som ny daglig leder i Nordic Edge AS. Han overtar det ledende arbeidet med å synliggjøre selskapets ambisjoner og styrke vår posisjon som en ledende nordisk aktør innen smartere og mer bærekraftige samfunn. Han overtar det daglige ansvaret fra Stig Finnesand.
At Nordic Edge, we constantly strive to accelerate the transformation from traditional industries to green, sustainable business development. In June, we are attending H22 City Expo in Helsingborg and Tampere Smart City Week together with our cluster members to continue our work towards smarter cities.
At last month’s Nordic Fund Day, we connected ten carefully selected startups with over 50 investors from Northern Europe – resulting in promising collaborations.
Stavanger has been chosen as a lighthouse demonstration in the EU Commissions New European Bauhaus initiative (NEB). The project will create more sustainable, inclusive and beautiful spaces.
Urban Air Mobility at this year’s Nordic Edge Expo, organised by USEPE and other EU-funded projects. Designed for cities and other interested stakeholders in the Nordic countries, this workshop had three objectives: catch the audience attention, explain basic aspects of the the topic, elaborate on the on-going research and experimentation supporting the development of air mobility over cities. For more information and presentations: click here
We are so grateful for everyone who took part in our event and debate with the topic “Outsourcing the classroom”. We filmed the debate and will publish here as soon as possible, so stay tuned. Until then, check out the photos from the event!
Ventum Dynamics group is preparing to scale our operations and are currently starting to prepare mass production of our first technologies. We are looking for an IOT engineer or a Mechatronics, Automation, or Instrumentation engineer with experience in IOT. The candidate should be able to collect data from the pilot wind turbine and from sensors, analyse, portray, and display the data in an understandable manner to the team.
Ventum Dynamics group is preparing to scale our operations and are currently starting to prepare mass production of our first technologies. We are looking for an in-house electrical engineer who can design the electrical systems in our product and quality check products in small to large production series.
In collaboration with our cluster member Trefadder we are planting the Nordic Hedge! This is the start of our own carbon compensating forest that will keep on growing, both in size and in height, each year at the Nordic Edge Expo. Come by the Trefadder-stand to buy a tree and contribute to the Nordic Edge forest “Nordic Hedge”.
At this year’s Expo conference, the Head of Climate in the Lyse Group, Esben Tonning Otterlei, will share his knowledge on how business and project development contributes to the green transition in Rogaland.
Through innovative technology, Norwegian company Easee develops smart electrical vehicle chargers. We are excited to announce that Easee is on board for Nordic Edge Expo 2022.
After receiving great applications from all over the Northern Europe, the jury from Smedvig, Lyse Invest, SR-bank, ProVenture, STYX Urban Invest and Kompas VC has completed a tough selection process and handpicked the most promising startups to present at Nordic Fund Day!
An increasing number of independent technology suppliers and producers of online educational content and services have entered the education system. Why does this happen? Is their contribution wanted and regulated? Are these players a disruption to the established system – or an asset that improves the quality and access to education for all?
This year, KnowHow EdTech will combine physical events with informative and inspirational digital content. The first event will be held during Nordic Edge Expo on 11 May – the digital content will be developed and published throughout the year.
Aivero offers a robotics service that simplifies 3D machine vision-based automation. Our solution is powered by our proprietary 3D depth compression and streaming software, which enables 3D perception applications to run natively in the cloud. We call it smooth automation because it’s accessible, affordable, and easy to use.
An indoor adventure center of 2500 sqm downtown Stavanger opening December 2025. The exhibition highlights attractions from Rogaland and takes you on to an exciting journey in eras, room and timelines. Old school models in combination with new technology such as 360, 3D, VR, AR, MR. You will see and hear a wide selection of industrial history, discover our spectacular nature, famous attractions and hidden gems. delivers energy consumption prediction for the energy industry using advanced machine learning and AI. The system calculates a high-quality baseline for an unlimited number of power measuring points.
Techstars Startup Weekend is an exciting and immersive experience into the world of startups. Over an action-packed three days, you’ll meet the very best mentors, investors, co-founders and sponsors to show you how to get more done faster – and, maybe even start that business. The Techstars worldwide networks helps entrepreneurs succeed. Founded in 2006, Techstars began with three simple ideas – entrepreneurs create a better future for everyone, collaboration drives innovation, and great ideas can come from anywhere. In addition to operating accelerator programs and venture capital funds, we do this by connecting startups, investors, corporations and cities to help build thriving startup communities. Techstars has invested more in more than 2,200 companies that today have a combined market valuation of more than $30 Billion.
The proptech company Solintegra, digital enabler of the green transition acceleration, are looking to expand their team!
Would you like to join us as a volunteer at the Nordics largest smart city event in May? The 2-day conference and exhibition is an arena for inspiration and new technologies that will make cities and municipalities smarter and greener.
The ticket sales are now live
Connect with investors and secure funding at Nordic Fund Day. Submit your application by using the form below. The jury will screen your application and get back to you. Aplication deadline: 27 March 2022
We are delighted to collaborate with the renowned jazz music festival, MaiJazz this year.
Attractive places for women, flexible housing models, sustainable cabin areas and the town centres of the future are some of the challenges in this year´s Gnist programme. Soon, these challenges will meet possible solutions from smart city related businesses.
The Nordic Edge Arena Pro Cluster had a good year in 2021 and delivered well towards its goals for the year. Cluster members are creating jobs, innovation, new products, and services. As a result of this, the activity level at the beginning of this year is good and this bodes well for the rest of 2022.
The leading smart city event in the Nordics will now take place in May. We call out to politicians, leaders, technology inventers, students, investors, start-ups, artists and citizens who are interested in smarter and more sustainable cities and communities. Mark your calendar for a new physical version of Nordic Edge Expo, 10-12 May 2022 in Stavanger.
While 2021 has been impacted by the global pandemic in many ways, the members of the Nordic Edge Smart City Innovation Cluster have largely developed well and generated new innovations, jobs, and increased their annual sales during the past 12 months.
The EU project AI4Cities came to Stavanger and we invited relevant actors to a Demo Day where the 20 thoroughly selected AI companies pitched their solutions to the Nordic Edge network!
Har din kommune en utfordring som dere vil løse på nye måter ved hjelp av designtenkning, innbyggerinvolvering og nye samarbeidsmodeller? Da kan dere søke om å bli Gnist-kommune i 2022.
Application deadline has expired.
Application deadline has expired.
Application deadline has expired.
Infotiles, together with partners gathered an impressive amount from both public and private sector to learn more about smart and digital watermeters!
Nordic Edge together with Klimapartnere and Grønn By invited a wide range of companies from the construction industry for a two-day Circular Business Model workshop in late October!
Many students are looking for relevant part-time jobs to gain valuable work experience and network during their studies. Together with Valide, LevelUp and the University of Stavanger, Nordic Egde Innoasis hosted Join a Start-Up Night, creating a meeting place for companies and students within the smart city field.
Last month we hosted the second version of Nordic Fund Day – creating another fun day of funding in Stavanger. 9 start-ups raising 1M€-10M€ were hand-picked, in a thorough selection process, to present their smart & sustainable business idea to 40 investors.
In a changing and uncertain environment, it is essential for players in the food chain to adapt the business model and streamline tasks. For this reason, TotalCtrl and Atea is combining technology and customer relations to ensure safe and easy traceability of food information from A to Z, as well as ensuring the minimization of food waste and losses throughout the value chain.
Nordic Edge Innoasis and the University of Stavanger invited companies and students to an event where they could exchange potential problems for a bachelor or master dissertation – and with huge success!
Bearing the similar mission and vision of creating smarter cities, Nordic Edge has been collaborating with Forum Virium for several years through different projects and events. In 2021, Forum Virium organized a workshop at Nordic Edge Expo where Tools for Urban Innovators tested in Helsinki’s urban labs have been launched. At the workshop, concrete cases have been presented from urban labs and been reflected on by participants. You can watch the Open Forum (valid until 31 Decemer 2021): here
Lyse has become part owner of technology company Tectal AS through a private placement. The industrial, multi-utility company is a central member in Nordic Edge and has made several investments in smaller startups in the innovation cluster in recent years.
Did you miss the live event? Now worries. You can see it right here – whenever it suits you.
The third day of Nordic Edge Expo 2021 was themed “On the Move” and Kolumbus, the mobilitycompany of the region, took the chance to invite to an “open boat” onboard M/S Rygerelektra in the afternoon. Here interesting conversations were exchanged between different actors from the mobility industry. The open boat ended with a debate about mobility in the Stavanger region.
Thank you to all the speakers, our hosts, our sponsors – and everyone who watched the live stream. During the next couple of weeks we will be publishing the individual talks here on the website.
At the square during Nordic Edge Expo 2021 the City of Stavanger have been present with stalls about everything from art to gree change to how they contribute to innovation.
The first day of Nordic Edge Expo is over and we had so much fun at the Come Clean Thematic Tour! Read more about the interesting businesses we got to visit during this three hour tour around the region.
En møteplass som kobler ungdom og hjørnesteinsbedrifter i Lund. En kraftfull sentrumsklynge i Vang. Fysiske og digitale moduler for kompetanse og samhandling i Lebesby. Dette er de tre prosjektene som går til topps i Gnist-programmet i år.
Here are the links shared by speakers during the conference.
It´s not tomorrow – it´s today. The Nordic Edge Expo 2021 has now kicked off for four days of broadcast from the electric vessel Rygerelektra. With an interesting and varied program over the course of the conference, there will be plenty for everyone to fill their knowledge needs.
Gnist is DOGA and Nordic Edge’s innovation program for ambitious municipalities keen to explore new collaboration models for developing innovative solutions to specific challenges. The Gnist-programme assists municipalities to address their challenges and turn them into opportunities. The aim is to create new employment opportunities and attractive, sustainable and adaptable communities for their residents and visitors.
After receiving great applications from all over the Northern Europe, the jury has worked its way through all the application and picked out the most promising startups to present at Nordic Fund Day!
Should information and communication technology (ICT) simply be used to replace or resemble “old-fashioned” teaching? The answer is no, according to this group of teachers.
A new school development project in Denmark, Play@Heart, aims to explore how playful approaches can contribute to children’s learning about and with technology. Get fresh insight on the project and experiences so far in a Special Session at the KnowHow EdTech Conference.
You can register for different events, and lunch, at Nordic Edge Expo 2021 on this page. The events are free of charge.
The global demand for renewable energy is growing at an electrifying speed. Manufacturers of cars, buses, lorries, airplanes, boats, scooters, and more are transitioning to electrical power. And that’s just within the transport industry. Our daily lives, from the workplace to home, to farming and industry, data centres and for many, even currency, are all powered by electricity.
Connect with investors and secure funding at Nordic Fund Day. Submit your application by using the form below. The jury will screen your application and get back to you. Aplication deadline: August 22. 2021
The Nordic Edge office, Innoasis, has been crowded with students this summer, and several of them have been recruited through our new programme, Innoasis Forward!
Elise By Olsen started her career when she created the youth culture magazine Recens Paper and is known as the world’s youngest editor-in-chief. At KnowHow EdTech she will talk about how she educated herself and ultimately had to drop out of school to pursue her career.
Join the discussion about educational technology! We will shed light on important issues, share information about what the future holds – and provide you with inspiration and effective tools. You can get free access to the live webcast by pre-registration. Have a look at program overview for the KnowHow EdTech conference!
We are proud to introduce the annual kick-off for Junior Achievement (Ungt Entreprenørskap) Rogaland as part of Nordic Edge Expo 2021.
This year’s Nordic Edge Expo conference programme will be delivered to you from Rygerelektra. A state-of-the-art, fully electric passenger ferry. We invite visitors to Stavanger during the event days, 20-23 September to follow the conference onboard the boat, docked in the city centre.
The Nordic eSport association is hosting a conference on opening day of Nordic Edge Expo 2021. The event will highlight both academic potential and business opportunities within this fast-growing sport. Join the Nordic eSports conference on 20 September.
The University of Stavanger is hosting a full-day, joint international research symposium at Nordic Edge Expo. The evenings of 20-22 September will be filled with Science&Cocktails.
Juryen i Gnist har valgt ut seks spennende konsepter som svarer på utfordringene til Vang, Lebesby og Lund. Finalen finner sted på Nordic Edge Expo & Conference, 21. september.
Nabla Flow leverer i dag vindsimulering til fartsidretter på et slikt nivå at en syklist vinner Tour de France og at en alpinister kniper hundredeler. – Det er kult å bidra til at de raskeste idrettsfolkene i hele verden får det lille ekstra, sier Luca Oggiano, og legger til; – og at vi leverer svar på klimautfordringer til arkitekter og byplanleggere. Kundene til Nabla Flow finner vi på Olympiatoppen og innen fartsidrettene, og akkurat nå går det som det suser for selskapet, også.
We are proud to present KS, the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities as partner of Nordic Edge Expo 2021.
Norway’s main conference for urban development and the revitalisation of city centres is bringing its member base to Nordic Edge Expo.
Interessert i å delta i Horisont Europa? Dette webinaret gir innsikt i verdens største forskningsprogram. Private og offentlige aktører som har deltatt i EU-prosjekter deler også sine erfaringer.
More than 33.000 took part in Nordic Edge China 2021, May 26-27. The international sharing of smart city initiatives and innovative technologies between the Nordics and China garnered interest on both continents. Recordings of full two-day conference programme is now available at your leisure.
We develop B2B privacy-preserving AI solutions to inspection, testing, learning and improving critical systems to empower smart manufacturing and sustainable utilities in Sweden, the Nordics and the rest of the world. Our streamlined offerings are: 1) domain-specific deep learning-based inspection applications and, 2) an in-house microservice-based platform for both SaaS and on-premise deployment and, 3) a magic toolbox to build common, robust super AI models without using/moving around any (sensitive) big data!
The sharing of smart city initiatives and innovative technologies between the Nordics and China garnered interest on both continents. Overall a total of 33.420 participants followed the two-day international conference on May 26 & 27.
Agrosense er et Norsk selskap som driver med sensor utvikling og dataanalyse. Vi samarbeider med flere forskere, bønder og industrielle partnere. For å utvikle teknologi som gir optimalisert drift av gress eng. Vårt fokus er å gi bonden økt lønnsomhet og avling samt sikker produksjon, som er optimal for jord uten at det påvirker miljø med overgjødsling. Vår visjon er å bidra til bærekraftig matproduksjon og bedre utnyttelse av landbruksareal.
Yedlik builds an industry for maintaining e-bike batteries. Our challenge is to eliminate 500 tons of dangerous waste a year in Norway, and expand worldwide. Reuse and repair trumps recycling! Yedlik is on the way to have the best equipped battery repair lab on the country, and is aiming first at the 200 million kr a year market of e-bike battery repairs in Norway. But there is no reason to stop at the border, nor to refrain from moving into car batteries, boat batteries, aircraft batteries ++
A guide to how organizations can recruit students for part-time jobs, projects, internships or other work-related activities.
Innoasis Forward is a collaboration between Nordic Edge and the University of Stavanger. Our aim is to link businesses and academia, facilitate collaboration, knowledge sharing and networking. We believe in pushing the next generation FORWARD.
As part of the Innoasis Forward initiative, your company can post available positions on our website. Once you’ve filled in the form, your open position will soon be visible on our website, distributed to all student organisations and around the university campus.
Stavanger Lufthavn Sola skal lede vei for framtidens luftfart. Avinor jobber for å effektivisere lufthavndriften gjennom utnyttelse av ny teknologi, og med det imøtekomme flyselskapenes forventning til effektivisering og automatisering. For å utvikle fremtidens luftfart har de inngått en partneravtale med Yago.
Tre norske distriktskommuner er på jakt etter nyskapende ideer og konsepter. Alle er velkomne til å bidra. Frist for å sende inn forslag er 7. juni 2021. Her finner du alt du trenger å vite for å delta.
Today, we are delighted to launch the theme and present the plans for Nordic Edge Expo 2021 in Stavanger.
We are pleased to announce that Mastercard will be a partner of this year’s Nordic Edge Expo
The discussion about educational technology continues at the KnowHow EdTech conference for the sixth consecutive year. We will shed light on the most important issues in the field, share information about what the future holds, pose some pretty difficult questions – and most importantly: provide you with inspiration and effective tools.
Once again, University of Stavanger (UiS) invests in the KnowHow EdTech conference.
Nordic Fund Day connected start-ups and investors for a day of fun and funding. Result: Three-quarters of the start-ups continued the dialogue with eligible investors.
Nordic Edge, SAMS Norway and Maritime Cleantech have initiated a partnership aimed at taking Norway’s proud maritime history to the next generation.
Nordic Edge og YAGO går sammen for framtidens byutvikling. I felleskap skal de jobbe med utvikling av framtidens mobilitet, byplanlegging og urban infrastruktur.
China is experiencing increasing demand for environmentally friendly products and solutions. For the third time, Innovation Norway invites Norwegian companies to an export program to explore the unique opportunities in this market through the Global Growth China Green-Tech R&D Commercialisation 2021 programme.
Our partner Urbantech has launched a new round of its non-equity, pilot-focused accelerator programme. Cluster member InfoTiles highly recommends applying. Here’s why. And note the application deadline: 25 April.
Sitter du på løsningen på sentrumsdøden i Vang? Vet du hvordan Lund kan styrke konkurranseevnen til kommunens hjørnesteinsbedrifter? Kan du stoppe fraflytting i Lebesby?
Get to know the city of YanTai. One of the cradles of China’s modern industry is part of the Nordic Edge China 2021 conference programme.
Get to know DaXing. The South Gate of Beijing, a substantial smart city development project, will be presented at Nordic Edge China, May 26-27.
Vil du være med på å skape innovative muligheter for de tre distriktskommunene Lebesby i Troms og Finnmark, Lund i Rogaland og Vang i Innlandet? Bli med på Gnist: Innovasjonsprogrammet for smarte og bærekraftige byer og lokalsamfunn.
Welcome to a smart city knowledge exchange between the private and public sectors in China and the Nordics. Discover innovative smart city planning and solutions. Join for keynote talks and workshops with stakeholders from both China and the Nordic countries.
Nordic Edge China is a two-day international smart city knowledge exchange between China and the five Nordic countries. Registration for attendees in China will take place at the venue between 14:30 – 15:00 (Beijing time). The Conference and Parallel sessions are free of charge. Please register here to receive access to the live stream of the conference programme.
Nordic Edge Cross-Atlantic set out highlight some of the most pressing issues for cities in the Nordics and the United States to reach international climate goals. Through three sessions, high-level speakers from both sides of the Atlantic outlined the challenges and opportunities that lie in this feat. Watch the conference here.
Statens vegvesen og Sola kommune har etablert en sikker sykkelkryssing ved hjelp av ny teknologi. Løsningen med et varmefølsomt kamera ble langt billigere enn å bygge en undergang. Lyst til å høre mer? Bli med på Samtale #3, 24. mars.
Kobling mellom idrett, generell fysisk aktivitet og kommunen sine helsetjenester er en strategi som skal gi reelle resultater for folkehelsen i Orkland. Badeanlegget er Norges mest energieffektive og tema for Samtale #3, 24. mars.
Autonome og utslippsfrie vannbusser er svaret på mange byers transportutfordringer. Nå gir Innovasjon Norge prosjektstøtte på 5,5 mill. til Norges fremste eksperter på området for å skape det som kan bli Norges neste eksporteventyr. Industrien og klynger får nå mulighet til å samarbeide om å utvikle fremtidens vannbusser gjennom prosjektet ZAWAS (zero-emission autonomous water Shuttles).
This Friday start-ups and investors will connect and collaborate at Nordic Fund Day. Here’s what’s in store.
Three cluster members have made a match. ProVenture and Lyse are investing NOK 7.5 million in an equally split equity round.
Nordic Edge is pleased to announce that Karine Næss Frafjord is the new manager for the Expo and Conference department, as of January 2021.
Bygdepakke Midt-Telemark viser at samarbeid om helhetlig areal og transportplanlegging også kan gi resultater på mindre steder. Bli med på Samtale #2, 17. februar.
Trondheim kommune utvikler en metode for samarbeid på tvers av kommuner og sektorer for å koble lokale og globale ressurser på arbeidet med bærekraftig utvikling og verdiskaping. Arbeidet skjer i samarbeid med FN.
I samarbeid med Qbird og Blueleap arrangerer vi en serie på tre webinarer med rådgiving til klyngebedrifter om det norske virkemiddelappartet, forretningsstrategi og tips til søknadskriving. Webinarene retter seg mot etablerte bedrifter og oppstartsselskap.
42 kommuner fra hele landet søkte om å få delta i Gnist-programmet. Boligmodeller, fraflytting og ny teknologi er temaer de tre utvalgte kommunene, Lund, Vang og Lebesby nå skal jobbe med.
Våre nye samtaleserie handler om hvordan norske kommuner jobber med prinsippene i det nasjonale veikartet for smarte og bærekraftige byer og lokalsamfunn. Her kan du se opptak av samtalene:
Connect with some of the most promising start-ups in the region at Nordic Fund Day on 19 February.
Et vitnesbyrd på at smart bruk av ny teknologi gjør hverdagen enklere for våre kommuner.
DOGA, Smartbyene, Norconsult og Nordic Edge lanserer en ny digital samtaleserie om hvordan kommuner kan bruke ny teknologi og innovative metoder for å skape mer bærekraftige, produktive og tilpasningsdyktige byer og lokalsamfunn i praksis. I første samtale vil vi blant annet få innsikt i Drammensmodellen.
DOGA, Smartbyene, Norconsult og Nordic Edge lanserer en ny digital samtaleserie om hvordan kommuner kan bruke ny teknologi og innovative metoder for å skape mer bærekraftige, produktive og tilpasningsdyktige byer og lokalsamfunn i praksis. Første case er Building Dignity i Bergen.
Our latest Innoasis Science Talk about nudging hit a nerve with many registering from near and far. The recording of the talk is now available.
Hvordan kan kommuner bruke ny teknologi og innovative metoder for å skape mer bærekraftige, produktive og tilpasningsdyktige byer og lokalsamfunn i praksis? Nordic Edge, Norconsult og DOGA lanserer en ny digital samtalsserie.
Connect with investors and secure funding at Nordic Fund Day
Utfordringene som urbanisering fører med seg skaper nye muligheter for norsk næringsliv. Se opptak av webinaret Go Global – internasjonale muligheter innen smarte og bærekraftige byer.
Register for the Innoasis Science Talks: Nudging – the Art of Positive Manipulation:
42 kommuner fra samtlige fylker har søkt om å få bli med i Gnist – et innovasjonsprogram for steds- og næringsutvikling i lokalsamfunn, som tar utgangspunkt i reelle utfordringer i kommunene. Programmet er et initiativ av DOGA og Nordic Edge.
Stavanger City Council has decided to financially support our collaboration project Nordic eSports with 1 million NOK. “This support to eSports can prove to be a million worthwhile,” writes the Editor-in-Chief of Dagsavisen Rogalands Avis.
Every year, young people give away IT support worth 50 000 NOK. The founders of our new member Kakadu, gave up their jobs to do something about that.
The idea for Co-Creators started at a student hackathon Nordic Edge co-organised in 2019. Now they have started a company and are piloting their concept in collaboration with the City of Stavanger.
Horizon Europe Norwegian Urban Partnerships (HEU NUP) is working closely with European and UN partners to develop a platform aimed at reaching the target of 100 climate-neutral cities by 2030.
Nordic Edge has been granted Arena Pro-status in the national programme for business and innovation clusters. With that Norway is strengthening innovation, business development and internationalisation within the smart city market.
Bodø kommune har fått tildelt midler fra Innovasjon Norge for utvikling av plattform for samling, deling, transformering og analyse av data fra ulike datakilder. Inntil 7 MNOK skal benyttes til risikoavlastning for tilbyder til utvikling av Smart Arkitektur Bodø gjennom et innovasjonspartnerskap.
Aktører i Stavangerregionen har inngått et fruktbart samarbeid om sirkulærøkonomi. Det er forberedelser til Sirkulærskolen som starter i januar 2021.
Catch up on the talk on video or podcast.
Over the course of 34 hours people from around the world connected and collaborated virtually to Reinvent Education.
Join us 2–6 Nov at #NordicSmartCityHack – an online hackathon for finding real sustainable solutions for our smart cities of the Nordic.
Nordic Edge Innoasis is a living lab from the onset. Developer Smedvig is using virtual reality in the planning and building prosess.
Cluster collaboration between Construction City and Nordic Edge
Siramat og Testarena Norefjell – Best uten bil stakk av med seieren i innovasjonskonkurransen arrangert av DOGA, Nordic Edge og Innovasjon Norge.
The founders behind the DIGme Learning have received funding from Innovation Norway to help commercialise their product. After presenting their innovation at the KnowHow EdTech conference in September, another incubator company has also made contact to find out more about the startup’s potential.
This year’s Nordic Edge Expo lived up to its slogan – Rethink Normality. It saw more attendees from more countries than ever before.
Here you go. Links to some of the interesting stuff our speakers at KnowHow EdTech 2020 talked about. We hope you will check them out and be inspired.
You know how we’ve been stuck in the home office with meager equipment? Here’s your chance to drastically upgrade this – you just have to make good use of your time at Nordic Edge Expo Digital.
We asked Gunnar Crawford, Head of Smart City Stavanger what he looks forward to at this year’s event.
Karine Næss Frafjord and Linn Skundberg Jenssen will guide attendees through the main stage programme and Studio Stavanger from 09:00–12:00 on 23 September, 2020.
Jennifer Clark, author of Uneven Innovation: The Work of Smart Cities, will hold a keynote speech on 23 September.
Any technical issues accessing the platform – we are here to help!
GNIST, a national innovation programme for facilitating collaboration for more attractive local communities and sustainable business development, will be launched during Nordic Edge Expo.
The ticket for Nordic Edge Expo gives access to everything on the platform from 21 September to the end of the year.
The digital exhibition opens on Monday 21 September. Come meet our exhibitors.
Announcing the winners of the challenge competition Smart and sustainable cities and communities – and launching next round
Register for media accreditation for Nordic Edge Expo 2020
Inspiring the future entrepreneurs of the world with the national kick-off for Youth Companies.
He was earlier Denmark’s ambassador to the global tech industry (the world’s first!) and is now Microsoft’s Vice President for European Government Affairs. At KnowHow EdTech, he will talk about how technology met the challenges of the corona pandemic.
His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haakon is interested in Norwegian trade, industry and innovation, and has been involved especially in entrepreneurship and the green transition.
Anita Scjøll Brede is CEO and co-founder of the and has insight to share at KnowHow EdTech. She will be co-moderator on 25 September when the topic is Predictive learning.
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is increasing – and many expect it to play a a bigger role in schools and education very soon. Could AI replace teachers in some situations?
Geographical information on a local, national and international level is a great value added to the Nordic Edge ecosystem. It opens doors to new possibilities in business development, including the development of digital twins.
Senior Product Manager in Google, Laura Holmes, speaks passionately about the possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI) in education.
Er du en startup moden for vekst? Nordic Edge er partner i ITSA Connect Growth. Det er et 20-ukers program som gir selskaper i vekstfasen viktig kompetanse og nyttige nettverk som verktøy for å nå målene. Søknadsfrist 14. september 2020.
Professor of Literacies and Social Innovation at the University of Bristol, to talk about lessons learned after the corona spring.
Ever heard of the web series Extra Credits? The series that discusses video game development and has 2,5 mill subscribers on YouTube?
As we prepare ourselves to move beyond the current crisis, we need to develop new, innovative solutions that will work in the best interest of all people involved.
We are proud to present Nordic Edge Expo Digital, coming directly to you, live from the cities of Copenhagen, Oslo, Helsingborg, Stavanger and Helsinki, as well as the heart of European policymaking, Brussels.
Ole holds the position as Programme Specialist at The LEGO Foundation, where he leads education projects around Learning through Play.
Atish is a social technologist and will talk about how mixed-reality learning games can help predict what people need to learn.
She is a futurist and head of new business at Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies.
FreiXchange has received funding from Innovation Norway to develop a new method for calculating Co2 emissions in shipping. The Norwegian Coastal Administration contributes in this innovative project for greener shipping.
Nordic Edge Innoasis Science Forum starts on August 18th with the Science Talk. Welcome to a series of competence meetings aimed at creating dialogue between academia, the private sector, municipalities and citizens.
Registration for the co-creation school at the University of Stavanger is now open.
Nordic cities and organisations are coming together to create a common, people-centered model for smart city development.
This July autonomous busses and one car will start operating in the municipality of Gjesdal as part of the Horizon2020 project SAGA.
How can we combine the most relevant services for young adults and other user segments into one attractive service?
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology has a PhD Fellowship position in social innovation.
Our new website is under development. In the time to come we will make sure to keep you posted about opportunities and upcoming events.
This year, the Nordics largest meeting place for smart cities and communities is going digital on 23rd September 2020.
Pay attention all gym teachers out there! You now have a chance to show the world what you and your class are good for. In our competition we encourage you to create art with workout apps. Draw with your feet!
The conference will be held over three days, each with one main topic: Digital is the new normal, Tools and toys, and Predictive learning. And guess what – you can tune in for free!
Educational technology could hardly be more important and relevant than it is right now. The conference will be held 23 – 25 September 2020, but not in an ordinary setting– we are giving you a digital conference this year.
We are pleased to announce that Tobias Heiberg Jørgensen will be this year’s conference moderator at the KnowHow EdTech conference. Tobias is the Head of the Teacher Education Programme at Playful Learning at at University College Copenhagen (Københavns Professionshøjskole).
Over the past few months we have hosted a series of webinars about business development. The webinars were recorded and can we watched here. Please note that the webinars are in Norwegian, hence so are the project descriptions.
Cluster member Ope has interesting projects on the go. We’ve connected Ope to one national and one international project.
Two of our cluster members took part in a livestream to China in connection with the World Oceans Day.
Are you an Artificial Intelligence (AI) supplier? Are you ready for the #AI4Cities challenge? Six European cities and regions are looking for AI solutions on mobility and energy to accelerate carbon neutrality.
The Explorer is Norway’s official platform for international promotion and marketing of green and sustainable solution. The platform works to ensure lower climate emissions through increased exports of green technology from Norway.
LoRaWAN is being rolled out in municipalities across Norway. How can this create value for the public sector, private businesses and citizens?
The Horizon Europe Norwegian Urban Partnership has submitted a supporting document for the Green Deal call ‘Towards Climate-Neutral and Socially Innovative Cities’
eSport is the new global recreational sport. It has one of the fastest growing fan bases, a youthful global audience that’s already larger than YouTube & HBO, Netflix & ESPN combined – eSports is mainstream.
InfoTiles is the first investment in ProVenture’s digital sustainability venture
Since its inception, Nordic Edge has worked for innovation, societal and business transformation. Along with the rest of the world the organisation is facing its biggest change to date. The 6th edition of the leading Smart City event in the Nordics, is going digital in 2020.
Are you an Artificial Intelligence (AI) supplier? Are you ready for the #AI4Cities challenge?