The city of Tartu, Estonia’s second biggest city, has asked Nordic Edge to assist in the process of developing a smart city roadmap. The goal is to turn Tartu into a frontrunner city, showcasing innovative solutions for a climate-neutral and smart community.
Many of the clusters’ members have achieved international recognition and success this fall. One of them is the Urban-tech company InfoTiles, who are finalists in the Nordic Proptech Awards 2023, has won contracts abroad and received attention in Asian media.
Join a Start-Up Night On this page you will find an overview of the companies that presented during Join a Start-Up Night at Innoasis, and their available positions. See the event here Arrow right Nivel Nivel delivers digital regulation tools to enable cities…
With Nordic Fund Day less than a week away, it’s a good time to finally share that the first official investment after last Nordic Fund Day is a fact!
Tre runder med innovasjonsprogrammet Gnist viser at nye samarbeidsformer og kreativ metodikk danner et godt grunnlag for bærekraftig og innovativ steds-og næringsutvikling i norske kommuner over hele landet. Men programmet belyser også et behov for endring i dagens virkemiddelapparat.
We are happy to announce that Steinar Meling has accepted the position as Senior Project Manager at Nordic Edge. His new role allows for the company to further strengthen its commitment as project partner.