Nordic Start-Up Days 2021

Calling all Smart and Sustainable Innovators

Connecting start-ups with investors and customers 18 & 19 February, 2021

Smart and sustainable cities can address the challenges of green and healthy living in urban areas and contribute to a better future for citizens and their environment. Smart City Challenge and Nordic Fund Day are looking for innovative solutions that will help create a more sustainable way of life. These events are an opportunity for startups to create strong ties to the public sector and investors as they develop new solutions.

Join the Nordic Smart City Challenge and the Nordic Fund Day. 

19th February:

Pan-Nordic Programme to fund brilliant start-up projects for smart and sustainable societies. Nordic Fund Day is an interactive virtual event aimed at connecting start-ups with compatible investors. The programme is given to you by Nordic Edge Innoasis, Telia, Microsoft for Start-Ups and Urbantech.

18th February:

The Nordic Smart City Challenge is an initiative run by the Nordic Smart City Network and PUBLIC, supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers, inviting startups with brilliant new ideas to present and pitch innovative solutions that will address Nordic cross-regional urban challenges as we transition to a ‘new normal’ post COVID-19.


Smart City Challenge

Nordic Fund Day