Bridging Science and Practice

At Nordic Edge Innoasis Science Forum researchers and professionals explore common grounds through talks, conferences and networking.

Get people talking

Knowledge, Science and Data are crucial when it comes to making the best possible solutions for our cities. Innoasis Science Forum is a space for researchers and professionals to bridge science and practice. It is an arena for dialogue and debate between academia, private companies, the public sector and civil society.

The aim is to accelerate innovation and cross-sector collaboration in the Stavanger-region. Strengthen the region’s position as a driver for citizen-centered smart city technology and laying the ground works for educating smart city talent.

Innoasis Science Forum is a collaboration between Nordic Edge Innoasis and the University of Stavanger.

Together the partners host regular talks on current smart city topics. (See the events calendar for upcoming talks.)

Through utilising the expertise at the University of Stavanger and an international network of researchers Innoasis Science Forum offers:

  • access to ongoing R&I projects
  • invitations to projects calls / possibility to join consortia
  • guidance to companies, PhDs, masters and bachelor students
  • workshops
  • courses

