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NEB-STAR – making a lasting impact
EU Projects

NEB-STAR – making a lasting impact

Driving societal change is a complex matter, including values such as inclusive, aesthetics and sustainability into the mix makes it even harder. How do we solve this together with 16 partners?

Climate Contract signed!
EU Projects

Climate Contract signed!

It was well said this morning when a representative from the City of Stavanger stated that it’s too late to turn around when it comes to taking action against climate change, we need to act now!

8 Feb
EU Projects

Fagdag om finansiering av digitale prosjekter

Location Innoasis, Sverdrups gate 27, 4007 Stavanger
Gir 20 millioner til kunstig intelligens og digitalisering
EU Projects

Gir 20 millioner til kunstig intelligens og digitalisering

Nordic Edge er stolte over å kunngjøre at den norske regjeringen har tildelt 20 millioner kroner til støtte og videreutvikling av to betydningsfulle norske prosjekter innenfor EUs forskningsprogram Digital Europe! Et av dem er EDIH Oceanopolis som vi i Nordic Edge er hovedpartner i.

Model for predicting nutrient runoff takes home the win in Hack the Climate!
EU Projects

Model for predicting nutrient runoff takes home the win in Hack the Climate!

Team Continua is one of four winners during the Hackathon in Hack the Climate.

Members win agile piloting at Site 4016
EU Projects

Members win agile piloting at Site 4016

Ampliuz and Bikeloop are among the winners of the agile piloting competition at Site 4016.

“Hack the Climate” municipalities seek developers & programmers!
EU Projects

“Hack the Climate” municipalities seek developers & programmers!

Four municipalities have been selected for the hackathon in the Hack the Climate project. To achieve their goals, they require your assistance!

Hack the Climate i Polen 2023
EU Projects

Hack the Climate i Polen 2023

Mellom 17. og 19. oktober ble det holdt en workshop i Warszawa, der representanter fra lokale myndigheter i Polen og Norge samlet seg for å finne innovative løsninger for å håndtere klimautfordringene som byer står overfor.