Welcome to Innovate.City’s workshop about Sustainable Innovation Canvas developed in partnership with the UN University on eGov and Smart Cities.
According to the Copenhagen Institute for future studies:
“What happens now, will change the way we do business, structure our societies, run our governments, the way we work, collaborate, consume, spend, travel and educate ourselves…all at once”.
The bank of America announces that a new world order will emerge, and the EU is preparing financial ‘firepower’ of 1.85 trillion because the best way to predict the future is by building it.
Innovate.city has produced this report. We also changed for the future. From an EIP-SCC (European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities) initiative, we have established as an independent foundation to support Governments, Businesses, Universities and People to co-create the change the world needs. We are the first organisation with our own model for co-creation.
We are now collaborating with further institutions, with businesses and some central governments and EU DGs while our Network of City Policy Labs continues to grow.
In this workshop, you will see the winds of change and how these give rise to a range of megatrends that are shaping our future.
When responding to the pandemic and these megatrends, organisations cannot afford to fall back on old solutions. Embracing digital, co-creation, diversity and inclusivity will enable ecosystems to challenge the prevailing paradigm and conceive the so announced new world order. It is time to re engineer and re imagine the world, it is time for action!
It is time to stop being afraid to make mistakes and take risks. But it is also time to share those risks! The future is constructed on co-creation, co investing and co-sharing both risks and benefits. That is why Innovate.city moved onward building the platform for all stakeholders co-develop sustainable innovation. This study focuses on evangelising for the need and the benefits of leading the future. We have been investing in building the tools and methods to support the strong leadership the world needs now.
Moderator: Jorge Saraiva, President of the European Network of City Policy Labs (innovate.city)
- Cocreating Sustainable Development: Post pandemic era requires cocreating the new normal. Requires a Future Building Ecosystem.
- Cocreation course: Learning to cocreate an Energy Community using Sustainable Innovation Canvas
- Round table debate: Does your city need to co-create energy communities?
- Cocreating an FBE
- Resources needed
- Expected results
- Planning an FBE: How to be part of the global task force for Sustainable Transition?
- Energy FBE: Join the Energy Community Cooperative

With 20 years of IT experience (with a particular focus on eGov systems) for world-leading management software companies, Jorge is acting in Smart Cities arena since 2012 and is a recognised expert on the impact of Digital Transformation in society, local economies and politics.
Founder of EngageCitizen (a citizen engagement platform). Project leader for Smart.London (that inspired a documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPHGwb6HcxE&feature=youtu.be), Jorge was also VP of a US stock listed company DigitalTown that focuses on Digital Transformation of local economies powered by BlockChain.
Jorge is now leading an EU initiative integrated on the EIP-SCC (European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities) acting as president of the European Network of City Policy Labs. Policy Labs have a focus on regulating and proper adoption of emerging technologies and new Business Models in Cities for the best of local communities. After all, people want cities to live happily.

Mary-Ann Schreurs believes in design as an important engine for our economy and being just the right tool for defying big challenges of the city. As the first Dutch Vice-Mayor of design she therefore introduced design in local innovation policy. Her goal is to improve citizen’s lives by using the methodology of design thinking in co-creation with the citizens itself and other stakeholders in the city. Before she became council member and Vice-Mayor in Eindhoven, she was co-initiator of (European) innovation projects linked to design.