How can Nordic cities use data driven planning to promote green areas and urban gardening? And how could they leverage crowdsensing and tracking data to develop more healthy and resilient cities?
Join us at this roundtable, when cities in the Nordic Smart City Network pose specific challenges to a cross-disciplinary group of some of the most innovative Danish organizations in urban development. The roundtable will be facilitated by the BLOXHUB Urban Partnerships team.
13:00 – 14:30 Nordic Smart City Workshop – Healthy cities roundtable: Helping the Nordic cities solve their challenges
Facilitator: Torben Krab
Torben Krab has through his career worked with the facilitation of multi-stakeholder partnerships both in Denmark and Internationally. He has worked and lived in Southeast Asia and has an extensive track-record in working on creating partnerships between Denmark and Asia within topics like climate change adaptation and smart cities. Torben is today Project Manager at BLOXHUB’s Urban Partnership Program.
Peter has been working with smart cities for over 12 years, combining the demand from cities with innovative solutions to understand how cities and companies jointly can define problems and explore solutions. He was earlier Director for the City Data Exchange in Copenhagen for Hitachi.
Leapcraft is an IoT company focused on Smart City & Building applications. Vinay’s cross disciplinary approach to design & technology has in the past have spanned design of connected consumer products, software and new business models. Vinay’s work has been widely recognised with numerous national and international awards and written about in leading design magazines like Wallpaper, Wired, Wall Street Journal.
Rasmus has worked with environmental issues for more than 15 years, of which the last 9 years has been with biodiversity and urban planning as a co-founder of the Danish company Habitats. In Habitats Rasmus works as daily manager and as consultant, strategist, facilitator and urban planner. Focus is to provide practical solutions on biodiversity for companies, municipalities and governments.
Kaisa Spilling (MSc. Econ) works as a Development Manager at Forum Virium Helsinki, a city owned innovation company. She is an innovation accelerator with + 10 years experience with cities, digitalisation & urban innovation. Her expertise lies in public-private-people collaboration and business development. She has been driving innovation platform development in Helsinki’s Innovation Districts, contributing to the national city network 6Aika and the Nordic Smart Cities Network.
Sebastian Christophersen is representing the City of Aarhus in the Nordic Smart Cities Network. Sebastian is Innovation Consultant at the ITK (Innovation, Technology and Creativity) Lab in Aarhus. He has extensive experience in building user and world perspectives to be utilized in design processes. Previously, Sebastian has worked both as Cluster Developer and Project Coordinator for Shareplay, a joint regional joint media venture in Denmark.
Jan Juul Jensen holds a PhD in Geography and has more than 30 years of experience working with Location Intelligence. Geoinfo is an IT knowledge company with customers ranging from Roskilde Festival to the Danish Defence – Jan’s current focus at Geoinfo is on use of Location Intelligence for digital planning and Smart Cities. Jan has given numerous presentations on the integration of design and location.
At Schulze+Grassov, Oliver is pursuing a vision of a hands-on, nimble and human-centered design practice that can actively enhance urban environments – to redesign our cities as complete ecosystems rather than individual buildings. Oliver has been fascinated with the relationship between people and the urban environment for decades. He earlier functioned as director at Gehl Architects, where he led a succession of award-winning and high-profile public-space projects around the world. He is also a visiting professor in urban design at Washington University in St. Louis
Anders Koed Madsen holds a position as Associate Professor in techno-anthropological studies of digital knowledge organization, at Alborg University Copenhagen. He has vast experience in conducting research on ‘soft city sensing’, which also involves using digital traces to understand and visualize urban life. Anders is also founding partner of Backscatter, and he co-founded the Techno-Anthropological Laboratory (TANTLab) in 2015.
Jakob oversees daily operations and projects in Backscatter, where he leads a group of researchers to test tools and techniques for analysis of big social data from online sources. He has experience in curating partnerships between global companies and large cultural institutions – and has, among other, also spearheaded a project with IBM to map the climate debate in 2019 as it unfolded on social media.
Almenr is the largest member-driven digital platform for property development in the Nordic region – if not the world. The foundation for the housing communities of the future is user-generated data and a digital approach to active and self-organizing property buyers. Based on the users’ dreams, wishes and visions and through innovative technical solutions, Almenr forms a base of investors/settlers who jointly develop, establish and build scalable and sustainable village-like housing communities. Through analyzed data Almenr delivers visionary projects that within a short time frame can be ready to break ground.