Hosting the Winter Olympics 2022, the development of winter resorts and winter sport venues is booming in China. We would like to invite you to a webinar about opportunities in a new and undetected market.
Date: 25. August 2021
Time: 09:00-10:00
Venue: Online – Registration here.
Fee: For free
Nordic Edge – Winter Places and Spaces
Karine Næss Frafjord, Head of Nordic Edge Expo
China – a booming market for Winter Places and Spaces
Gao Peng, Senior Advisor of Innovation Norway, China
Snøhetta + China
Robert Greenwood, Partner, Managing Director – UK, Middle East, Africa, & Asia Pacific
We will take you there
Désirée Vikse, deputy Innovation Norway, China
About China as a winter destination
China’s winter market is one of the fastest growing markets in the world. The ice and snow industry revenue is expected to reach 1.3 trillion NOK by 2025.With this, China will achieve its target of 20% of the winter world’s sports industry.
With a population exploring the joy and fun of being more active in snow and ice activities, China is developing new winter destinations, ski resorts and indoor/outdoor winter sports facilities. According to Chinese national plans, nearly 200 new ski resorts and more than 300 new skating rinks will be built within the next 1-4 years.
The market is asking for urban planning, green design and architecture, landscape design, building materials and facilities, building technology and energy efficiency, consultancy, resort operations and tourism facilities.
Norwegian companies with competence in developing winter destinations and facilities can take advantage of an untapped, but booming market.