Head of the United for Smart and Sustainable Cities Implementation Programme (U4SSC IP). Secretary General of the Organization for International Economic Relations, Austria, Vienna www.oier.pro and Leader of the UN`s United for Smart and Sustainable Cities U4SSC Implementation Program https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/ssc/united/Pages/default.aspx which is supporting cities, regions and communities worldwide in identifying needs, finding sustainable solutions, partnerships and investments https://news.itu.int/un-collaboration-supports-smart-city-action/
Vice Chair of the ITU Focus Group on Environmental Efficiency for Artificial Intelligence and other Emerging Technologies (FG-AI4EE)
Board member of the World Council for SDG 11, the Real Estate Advisory Board (REM) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, the H22 project of Helsingborg, Sweden and The North West, Aalesund, Norway.
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