Nordic Edge

Take part in co-creating a joint Nordic smart city model!

We invite you to take part in this third, and final, digital workshop – open for everyone who wants to contribute to the development of a joint Nordic human-centred and collaborative smart city model.

In the previous two workshops we have identified what to take with us in the smart and sustainable cities and communities of the future – and what to leave behind. We have defined seven core elements of a Nordic smart city vision and explored barriers for bringing these into life.

In this third and final workshop we are keen to share the initial results with engaged participants from the Nordic countries and beyond.

We also invite you to a discussion around the second phase of the project, which is about branding and export of Nordic solutions illustrating the joint smart city vision. How do we scale up existing smart city solutions in the Nordic region and beyond?

To reflect on this matter, and set the table for a further discussion, we have invited inspiring speakers with an international view on scaling Nordic solutions.

Workshop program

  • 09.30-09.50 Presentation of a Nordic Smart City Vision
  • 09.50-10.40 Discussion
  • 10.40-11.00 Speaker 1
  • 11.00-11.20 Speaker 2
  • 11.20-11.30 Q&A
  • 11.30-12.00 Discussion


About the initiative Nordic Smart City Vision

Municipalities and organisations from all over the Nordic countries have joined forces to define a common smart city model based on Nordic values – building on the good work that has already been done in the Nordic countries. The aim is to bring inspiration to Nordic municipalities of all sizes working with smart city processes, as well as strengthen the Nordic region’s position as a leading smart city region globally – offering an alternative smart city model that puts the citizens’ quality of life at the center.

At the core of this joint Nordic initiative, funded by Nordic Innovation, is a global need for an alternative, human-centered smart city vision. Nordic characteristics and values such as high-quality public services, extensive user data, high levels of trust in public organizations, openness in decisions, citizen participation and respect for privacy make Nordic municipalities and cities an ideal starting point.

Based on already existing smart city initiatives and strategies in the Nordic countries, we will develop a joint Nordic smart city vision, which can serve as a framework for smart city work in cities and municipalities both in the Nordics and internationally. The model will describe how Nordic cities and municipalities can act as drivers and facilitators for collaborative processes and use new technology while protecting and putting forward the interests of the inhabitants.

In addition to defining and describing a Nordic smart city vision, we will identify projects from each Nordic country that demonstrate this vision in practice. These projects will be showcased in selected Nordic and international arenas.

The following organizations are behind the initiative:

  • Nordic Smart City Network
  • Nordic Edge
  • Design and Architecture Norway (DOGA)
  • Danish Design Center
  • Danish Architecture Center
  • Bloxhub
  • Demos Helsinki
  • Iceland Design and Architecture
  • Nordic Urban Resilience Institute
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