Nordic EdgeNordic Edge Expo

Paneldiskusjon Arendalsuka 2022

Er det mulig å drive byene våre 100% på fornybar energi? Hva vil dette ha å si for Norge og vår industri, og hvor hurtig er det realistisk å få det til? Få dypere innsikt i problemstillingen når Nordic Edge arrangerer paneldiskusjon under Arendalsuka 2022.

Globalt kan over 70% av klimagassutslippene knyttes til energiproduksjon, og mesteparten av energien brukes i og rundt byene. For å nå klimamålene er det derfor avgjørende å fase ut fossil energi og erstatte dette med utslippsfrie energikilder. Men hva skjer om vi faser ut fossil energi fortere enn vi greier å bygge opp alternative energikilder? Vi har allerede fått en forsmak gjennom høye strøm- og drivstoffpriser gjennom 2021-2022.


Moderator: Helleik Syse, PhD-stipendiat, foreleser og podcastvert, UiS

Rigmor Haga, Bærekraftssjef, Easee

Esben Tonning Otterlei, Leder klima, Lyse

Ann-Cathrin Vaage, Fagsjef klimapolitikk, Offshore Norge

Velkommen til Rygerelektra, onsdag 17. august, kl. 11.00-12.00. Sted: Pollen
Paneldiskusjonen vil også streames. Mer informasjon kommer. 

Stavanger-regionen står samlet under Arendalsuka med mange spennende arrangementer på Rygerelektra hele uka. Sjekk hele programmet:

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Esben Tonning Otterlei is Head of Climate in the Lyse Group. His main priority is business and
project development contributing to green transition in Rogaland, as biogas production from
manure, carbon capture and local utilization, and making use of waste heat from data centres.
Prior to joining the Lyse group in 2014 he worked as Senior Advisor in Norsk Energi with energy
and climate assessments for the energy-, industry- and public sector. He holds a Master of
Technology from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) from 2008.

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Helleik is working as a PhD researcher in Future Energy Hub at the University of Stavanger. He is also lecturing on sustainable strategies and innovations at BI Business School. In 2020, Helleik was nominated as one of 30 role models under the age of 30 by Dagens Næringsliv, and in 2021 he was on the Stavanger Chamber of Commerce´s list of talents under 30. Helleik holds an MSc. in Renewable Energy Systems and the Environment from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow.

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Rigmor Haga is Sustainability Director at Easee. She has worked with sustainability and social responsibility in various forms since 2007. Throughout her career, she has visited a number of industries, from oil and gas to food and textiles, before landing in green-tech at Easee in October 2021. Here, she is head of the sustainability department. The departments purpose is to convey and manage the sustainability impacts we face, by focusing on people and the planet throughout Easee’s operations and production.

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Ann-Cathrin Vaage is head of climate policy at Offshore Norge. She has extensive experience from the oil and gas industry, and has, among other things, worked with regulatory matters and energy and climate policy at Equinor. Ann-Cathrin is a civil engineer in chemistry from NTH and has a master’s degree in management from BI.

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