Language EnglishNordic Edge Expo

Panel discussion – Does a lack of competence delay the technological green shift?

Norway is crying out for technology competence – is there a correspondence between the need for competence in the labour market and what is taught at universities? The Norwegian Government is investing heavily in the development of green industry, but do we have enough people and talents with the right competence to succeed with this investment? Do we have the heads we need to develop green industry that can compete internationally? The IT industry alone will need 50,000 people with technology expertise in the years to come and how many of them are trained in sustainability? Is Norway heading into a green technology competence crisis and what does this picture look like in the Stavanger region?

Panal discussion moderated by Mali Hole Skogen, Director of Technology & Sustainability at IKT-Norge


  • Marianne Selle, Leader of the Customer Success Unit at Microsoft Norway
  • Harald Minge, Director of the Stavanger Chamber of Commerce
  • Klaus Mohn, Rector of the University of Stavanger
  • John Krogstie, Professor in Information Systems at Department of Computer Science, NTNU
  • Simen Sommerfeldt, CTO at Bouvet

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Mali har stillingen som teknologi og bærekraftsdirektør i IKT-Norge og har de siste årene bygget bærekraftssatsningen for IT og teknologisektoren. Satsingen innebærer bl.a Samahandlingsorganet for verdikjeden på elektronikk og IKT-utstyr, Grønne offentlige teknologianskaffelser, Clean-tech Oslo – bærekraftsrapportering for teknologibedrifter og IKT-Norges Forum for teknologi og bærekraft.  Hun leder også GoForIT – Norges viktigste samarbeidsorgan mellom teknologibransjen og Universitetene. Mali brenner for at IT + Bærekraft =Sant. 

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Marianne Selle is leader of the Customer Success Unit at Microsoft Norway. She is passionate about helping companies succeed using digital technology, and drive digital transformation. She also has a special focus on putting people in the center of our digital journey, and has been holding many seminars and workshops around design thinking, employee journeys, human perspectives in technology development etc. A technologist herself, Marianne has 20 years of experience from the IT industry, 15 years as a leader. She is passionate about user-centricity and agile approach in all parts of business.

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Harald Minge is CEO of The Stavanger Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Stavanger CCI).

He has broad background from media, and has previously had the position as Editor of the local newspaper Rogalands Avis.

The Stavanger Chamber of Commerce has appr. 2 000 member companies, which makes it the largest of its kind in Norway.

On behalf of its member companies, The Stavanger CCI is involved in a wide range of policy issues, relevant for businesses and industrial actors. 

The Chamber also arrange a large number of meetings, seminars and conferences. 

Harald Minge participates in several business related boards both regionally and nationally. 

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John Krogstie (1967)  holds a PhD (1995) and a MSc (1991) in information systems from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), where he is currently a full professor in information systems at the computer science department (IDI). At IDI he was Department Head 2017-2021. Director NTNU Digital 2021-  . John Krogstie is the Norwegian representative and previously Vice-Chair for IFIP TC8 and was chair of IFIP WG 8.1 on information system design and evaluations (2010-2015). His research interests are information systems modelling, information systems engineering, quality of models and modelling languages, neuroconceptualization, eGovernment,  sustainable smart cities and sustainable digitalization in general. He has published more than 350 refereed papers in journals, books and archival proceedings since 1991. H-index as of March2022 is 54, G-index 98 according to Google Scholar. c-score 3.48 (Stanford 2021) 

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Simen Sommerfeldt er teknologidirektør i Bouvet, Han koordinerer felles satsinger som sikkerhet, bærekraft og sky, og fungerer som myndighetskontakt. Sommerfeldt er medforfatter av boken «Personven og GDPR i praksis», og er stedfortreder i Personvernnemnda. Han var med i en kompetansegruppe som leverte rapporten «Digital21» til regjeringen i 2018. Sommerfeldt var i fire år medlem av styret i Dataforeningen Sør-Øst. Sammen med Torgeir Waterhouse grunnla han bevegelsen “Lær Kidsa Koding” i 2013. Sommerfeldt er også en av initiativtagerne til GoForIT – et samarbeid for å samkjøre akademia med arbeidslivet innen bærekraft

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