Language EnglishNordic Edge Expo

Panel discussion – Citizen involvement is important – but does it work?

Civic engagement is a key part of a city’s evolution. Input from citizens can help define the dynamic of a city. Recently, we’ve seen an uptake in the public debate about citizen participation in site development and its importance has received increasing attention. Also part of the debate is the question of both the realism and the willingness to facilitate participation – do we actually facilitate for citizens to participate or is it mostly used to create the right impression?

Panel discussion moderated by Torbjørn Tumyr Nilsen, Jounalist at Arkitektnytt


  • Astri Margareta Dalseide, Architect at A-lab
  • Aslaug Tveit, CEO of LÉVA Urban Design

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Torbjørn works as a journalist in the Norwegian architecture magazine Arkitektnytt. He has an interdisciplinary master degree in culture, environment and sustainability from the University of Oslo and has earlier worked as a cultural and feature journalist in the Norwegian daily Klassekampen. 

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Aslaug har de siste 12 årene vært en pågangsdriver til å skape endringer i by- og stedsutviklingsprosesser. Målet er å koble tettere sammen fysisk planlegging, design og samfunnsplanlegging, med grunnlag i å sikre sosial bærekraft innenfor by- og stedsutvikling. Det viktigste virkemiddelet har vært å teste i praksis for å bevise effekten av å tenke annerledes i prosesser. Aslaug er en aktiv foredragsholder i ulike fora i Norge hvor hun deler kunnskap om den nytenkende måten LEVA griper an by-og stedsutviklingsprosesser på. 

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Astri Margareta Dalseide is an architect and urbanist at A-lab.

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