The World is moving towards renewable energy resources. These resources are less flexible and have greater fluctuation than existing production. Maintaining reserves for peaks and delivering peaks through the grid also becomes more demanding and more expensive. As the energy production becomes less predictable and fluctuations increase there is a growing need to control the consumption as well. VTT is developing AI based systems capable of local balancing of resources, seamless integration of new production, managing storages in the system.
Klaus Känsälä is a Principal Scientist at VTT. He has solid expertise on wireless metering, embedded systems and onboard DSP solutions. He has also been developing wireless metering solutions for Smart Grid applications and advised corporations and public organisations on energy markets, energy technologies, demand-responsive concepts and renewable production. He has been involved in several EU projects as a researcher, work package leader and coordinator. He has published over 90 scientific publications and holds several international patents on measurement technology.