SAVE THE DATE! 28 September 2023
16:00 – 22:00. Tou Scene, Stavanger.
Mark you calendar and prepare to be enlightened.
Let’s get together
KnowHow Edtech and Nordic Edge have had a strategic collaboration since 2016 and together we have contributed to establishing KnowHow Edtech as one of the leading conferences in Norway within learning technology.
Join KnowHow Edtech Conference 2023 for an evening of reflections, discussions and insight. With a combination of presentations, panel debate and networking, this is the place to be for anyone interested in educational technology. The programme will be held mainly in Norwegian, but with some contributions in English.
Who should attend?
Teachers on all levels from kindergarten to universities
EdTech responsible or digital advisors in teaching
Topics: Online teaching – seriously?
Development of flexible, online education offers has been an expectation of Nordic authorities and part of strategy in higher education since the turn of the millennium. Nevertheless, the actual offer has been sporadic, with modest development.
Now, however, digital courses are increasingly in demand. For the first time, three web-based programmes climbed into the top ten list of the most popular educations by applicants in Norway. Are we finally approaching a tipping point for online in higher education? Why should we offer online education and what is needed to create it with good quality?
Put fear aside and look AI straight in the eye
Every major technology change has massive effects on society and may disrupt everything. From the book printing technology to internet and now artificial intelligence (AI). Although AI is developing faster than anything else we have seen in history, the mechanisms remain the same. Should it not be possible to apply the established didactic principles when using AI tools – in the same way educators have adjusted their teaching methods according to different situations?
It is time to put fear aside and look AI straight in the eye to find out how this technology can be used to the advantage of education. In this session we address the opportunities of AI, how the concerns should be handled, and provide examples of how it can be used.
The price for the conference is NOK 350,-
A light meal at arrival is included, so feel free to come straight from work. Beverages can be bought from the bar.
Join in on KnowHow Edtech as one of the leading conferences in Norway within learning technology.