
Innoasis Urban Energy Lab Launch

Urban areas require an uninterrupted supply of energy, consuming 75% of global primary energy. While minimizing the ecological footprint of cities, energy distribution needs to become sustainable, more inclusive and fair.

Innoasis Urban Energy Lab is a co-creation space and platform for developing tomorrow’s renewable, energy efficient and distributed energy system. We envision a future where cities will be able to produce a significant amount of their own energy using renewable energy sources such as solar, geothermal, and wind while drastically reducing energy needs through energy-saving measures. We also explore news forms of organisation, finance, and ownership of the urban energy systems of tomorrow.

The launch of Innoais Urban Energy Lab is an important step in connecting the public sector, industry, citizen groups, academia in developing the urban energy systems of the future. Join us for this launch event to learn more.



14:00-14:15: What is Innoasis Urban Energy Lab? with Anders Riel Müller from UiS and Randi Augenstein from Innoasis by Nordic Edge

14:15-15:00: How can UiS researchers collaborate with industry?

  • Energy Systems for Urban Applications with Mohammad Monsouri from UiS
  • Waste Heat and Geothermal solutions with Raoof Gholami from UiS
  • Urban wind Simulations for Urban Applications with Knut Erik Giljarhus from UiS
  • Building Integrated Photovoltaics with Hassan Gholami from UiS

15:00-15:30: What is the benefit to the industry?

  • Site4016 and Energy Flexibility with Asbjørn Lunde from Powerpal
  • Future Cities and more self-sufficient, de-carbonized and decentralised with Ronny Fiuren from Forus Næringspark
  • Urban Energy – challenges and opportunities from a regional grid perspective with Kristine Askeland from Lnett

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