The digital transformation poses challenges that cannot be handled by engineers alone. The digitalisation of society changes the way we collaborate, raises new questions about rights and challenges social life through digital exclusion, echo chambers and declining trust. These are not just technical problems, they are also social science problems.
Digitalisation is not only about innovation, efficiency and optimization. The digital transformation changes how power is exercised, how decisions are made, and how resources are distributed. In this Science Talk, Professor Helle Sjøvaag addresses these challenges and discusses how social sciences can contribute when the public and private sectors meet digital transformation. This discussion is followed up by Per Fjeld – senior business developer at Lyse R&D and Helene Arholm – the regional director of the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities, who will both reflect on the topic from their perspectives. At last, there will be a panel debate and questions from the audience.
The event will be held at Innoasis in Løkkeveien 111 and digitally, Thursday 25th September. The Science Talk will be over by 15:30 but you’re welcome to stay and mingle with the other attendees after the talk.
14.30 – 14. 35: Welcome
14.35 – 14.55: Presentation by Professor Helle Sjøvaag
14.55 – 15.10: Reflections by Per Fjeld & Helene Arholm reflections
15.10 – 15.30: Panel debate and questions from the audience
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Helle Sjøvaag is Professor of Journalism at the University of Stavanger. She is currently leading the research project The Datafication of Communicative Power funded by the Research Council of Norway. Sjøvaag’s research focuses on digital infrastructures, datafication, media markets and regulation of the communication sector.

Regional director – The Norwegian association and Regional authorities. Helene leads KS’ work in Vestland and Rogaland County, which consist of 66 municipalities and 2 county municipalities. She has worked in KS for 11 years and has previous experience in leading a municipal enterprise and been organization leader for Rogaland County Municipality and chief negotiator in Stavanger Municipality.