Nordic Edge Expo

Innoasis Science Cocktails: Urban Experiments

What’s the point of urban experiments?

We invite you to Salon du Nord at Hotel Victoria for the social event series Science Cocktails. During these events, scientific and artistic inspirations are presented as short talks while you may enjoy the exquisite cocktail menu, specially made for Nordic Edge Expo. On Monday 20th September you can join us as we discuss “what’s the point of urban experiments?”.

Date: Monday 20th September
Time: 19:30
Location: Salon du Nord, Hotel Victoria
No registration required

There is a tendency to believe that urban experiments such as pilots and living labs are central to driving urban transformations, but are there limits to what we can expect from such experiments? How are urban experiments evaluated and what happens after the experiment ends? Do they really have an impact? PhD fellow Veronika Budovska from UiS will present her findings from field work in Trondheim.


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PhD candidate, teaching and research staff at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Stavanger. Her research project is organized under the Research Network for Sustainable Energy at UiS and NORCE and focuses on intermediaries in urban sustainability transitions. She has strong research interest in the areas of public management and governance, urban planning and environmental psychology. She is a member of Smart City Research Network of UiS, The Greenhouse UiS, Future Energy Hub and Positive Energy Districts European Network.

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Kim has a background with Urban development in Denmark and Urban Management in the Netherlands. The last five years he has worked with smart city strategies and smart city initiatives for the City of Copenhagen in Copenhagen Solutions Lab. Kim combines his experience from previous jobs into transforming the smart city visions and strategies of Copenhagen into real solutions. Kim is, among other things, member of the board for the Danish smart city network for organizations in Denmark and is also founding partner and chairman of the Nordic Smart City Network with 20 Nordic Cities.

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Karoline Mokleiv has a bachelor’s degree in nursing from the University of Southeast Norway. She has experience from both primary- and specialist health care services, and from the pre-hospital emergency service. After finishing her masters degree in change management she has worked in the Norwegian Smart Care Lab as a business development manager. Her master’s thesis is about how to use simulation to implement innovations, and she is still working on investigating how simulation can be used in product development at the Norwegian Smart Care Lab.

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