Norway has world-leading technology, know-how and infrastructure for delivering smart and sustainable ferries to cities of the future. Waterways have been the most important transport infrastructure for thousands of years, which is why 90 per cent of all cities are located by water. Waterways are free, efficient, and immediately available in city centres. This is why we strongly believe that smart and sustainable water shuttles will be crucial to the green mobility systems in sustainable cities.
Now, a unified Norwegian industry has come together with a shared vision. We want to create seamless commutes, connecting cities over waterways, and become the best export article Norway can deliver. But what does the industry need to realize this global potential?
09:00 Mingling
09:10 Welcome by Steinar Meling, Project Manager, Nordic Edge
09:20 Smart and sustainable water shuttles for sustainable cities
- Breaking the Myths – Hanna van Zijp, Director of Public Relations, Zeabuz
- Water Shuttles in urban areas – Andres Martin Moe, General Manager, MHTech
- How can technology be used wisely? – Olav Madland, CEO, Applied Autonomy
09:50 Coffee and networking
10:00 Why look to Norway?
- The future of urban mobility – Halvor Vislie, COO, Hydrolift Smart City Ferries
- Why does Norway have a competitive advantage? – Erik Dyrkoren, CEO, Zeabuz
- A climate investors perspective, Ingvild Meland Strategy and Communications Director at Nysnø
10:30 Coffee and networking
10:45 How can Water Shuttles be the next big export adventure?
- Panel Discussions hosted by Torun Degnes, CEO, SAMS Norway
- KeyNote Speakers:
- Svein David Medhaug, Head of Digital and SMART shipping, Sjøfartsdirektoratet
- Ingvild Meland Strategy and Communications Director at Nysnø
11:10 Q & A and summary by Hanna van Zijp, Zeabuz
11:30 The End
A light lunch will be served between 11:30 and 12:00m, for those staying for the following Lydløs workshop.

Naval Architect (MSc.) with specialization within the fields of design methods, concept evaluation and screening, design and analysis of various types of mechanical equipment such as pumps, compressors, turbines, diesel engines as well as diesel electric systems and hydraulic systems both on a system and component level.
Experience with energy efficiency optimization, life cycle carbon footprint analysis, hybrid and electrical systems for transport system applications (i.e. shipping, ferries, buses etc.) as well as other energy intensive processing systems.

Serial entrepreneur and loving the ocean for all its opportunities, while being concerned about how we misuse it.
Co-founder and CEO of the autonomous urban ferry company, Zeabuz, which will enable zero-emission 24/7 low-cost urban waterborne mobility globally.
Erik have managed logistics processes for the International Space Station, drilled for oil in Kazakhstan, and coordinated national research strategies and programs for the outstanding maritime industry in Norway.
One of his greatest professional experiences has been to coordinate big projects with large groups of people, often with conflicting agendas, while ensuring a collaborative working environment.

Halvor is a sustainability and bleeding edge technology enthusiast with a long entrepreneurial track record spanning various industries including renewables, finance, media and tech. He is passionate about innovation and about transforming visionary ideas into solid businesses by building strong teams driven by ambitious goals. Halvor holds a degree in International Business and Finance from the University of Oklahoma.

Torun Degnes, CEO at SAMS Norway, a business cluster focusing on the development of systems for sustainable autonomous transport solutions used on land, air, and sea. Degnes has several years of experience within different clusters and over 20 years of experience with innovation and product development from various types of industry. Both as CEO of Techni AS and as consultant in innovation processes for multiple companies. As the cluster manager Degnes is overall responsible for all activities within the cluster and works with partners across the nation as well as across borders. Degnes earned a master’s degree in industrial design from Oslo and has complimentary courses in Innovation, Management and Democracy.

Olav introduced self-driving vehicles to Norway the spring 2016 and has responsibility for over 20 operations in Norway and Europe with autonomous vehicles and automated transport.
He has the coordination responsibility of the National Testarena in Kongsberg with autonomous transport integrated with Public Transport. The test arena is integrated with municipality, county administration, transport operators and the National Public Road Administration.
Olav has an Honours degree within information technology, statistics, and administration from the University of Bergen (1989), followed by a series of business management courses from Europe’s prestigious and leading business school INSEAD (1999), in Paris, France.
His background shows a balanced mix of management roles within the telecom, banking, and finance sectors.
He therefore is fully aware of the complexity of working internationally, and of how to connect heterogeneous systems and actors to support automated solutions and sustainability.

Hanna Maria van Zijp is an urban planner, ferry nerd and director of public affairs in Zeabuz. Nordic tech company Zeabuz develops autonomous systems for clean, blue mobility solutions in sustainable cities of the future.

Svein David Medhaug is the Chairman of NFAS, he is also head of Digital and SMART ships at the Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA). At NMA he has been responsible for e-navigation since 2009. With this position, Medhaug has chaired out international responsibility for the authorities responsibility for e-navigation in IMO and other international fora. Medhaug is also responsible for all work relating to innovation towards digitalization and automation. And in charge of the work related autonomous and remote vessels at the NMA, an area which is central to Norway’s proactive stance regarding innovation and promoting a more sustainable, safer and cleaner industry, towards the “Greenshift” in the maritime sector. With a background as Deck Officer on both oil and LNG tankers in the Norwegian merchant fleet, Medhaug has hands on experience and a very strong interest in innovation and new technology.
“Automation is already creating a revolution and will continue to do so. The shipping industry is going through a green transformation and crucial to this is how we manage this transition smoothly and safely”.

Ingvild er strategi- og kommunikasjonsdirektør i Nysnø hvor hun begynte i 2021. Hun var tidligere programdirektør for energimøtestedet ONS med ansvar for strategi, innholdsproduksjon og nettverksbygging. Hun har også mer enn 10 års erfaring fra energibransjen gjennom ulike roller knyttet til energimarkedsanalyse, strategi og lisensoppfølging i Petoro og Eni Norge. Meland er siviløkonom fra Handelshøyskolen i Bergen (NHH) med spesialisering i samfunnsøkonomi. Ingvild har erfaring med styrearbeid fra flere bransjer, og er honorærkonsul for Finland i Stavanger. I Nysnø jobber Ingvild med strategi- og forretningsutvikling, kommunikasjon og samfunnskontakt.