Cities and communities in a post-COVID-19 world should be climate-neutral, resilient, and socially innovative. Artistic, cultural and creative industries will play an important role in engaging and empowering both civil society and professional stakeholders. The opportunities generated by these industries will be further boosted by digitalisation.
In this session, experts from the Nordic countries and China will share their latest projects to achieve these goals and exchange ideas on how these countries can cooperate to further support this development.
- Co-creating climate-neutral and socially innovative cities
Presented by Annemie Wyckmans, Professor, Head of NTNU’s Smart Sustainable Cities, NTNU - New European Bauhaus
Presented by Florian Schneider, Professor, Head of Trondheim Academy of Art, NTNU - Experiences from an International Open Hackathon focusing on sustainable cities and gender equality
Presented by Letizia Jaccheri, Professor, Department of Computer Science, NTNU - From Knowledge Cafe to Hackathon
Presented by Enda Pasher, PhD, Director, Israel Smart Cities Institute - Urban Furniture in Xiongan New Area
Presented by Chang Liu, PhD, Director, Yangtze River Delta Culture & Tourism Research Institute of China Academy of Urban Planning & Design Co., Ltd - From Commissions to Missions: How can artistic research and practice contribute to mission-oriented research?
Presented by Mari Sanden, PhD candidate, Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, NTNU - Round table discssion
Moderated by Yu Wang, PhD, Senior Researcher, Department of Architecture and Planning, NTNUThis session is supported by URBAN-NORWAY-CHINA (project number 2884791), which is funded by the Norwegian Research Council’s INTPART program.

Annemie Wyckmans is the coordinator of CrAFt (Creating Actionable Futures, 2022-2025, HEU-funded), +CityxChange (2018-2023, H2020-funded) and the Joint Programme on Smart Cities of the European Energy Research Alliance. As Professor at NTNU, she is committed to making the transition to climate-neutrality irresistible – with cities and citizens.

Florian Schneider is a filmmaker, writer, and curator. His work is investigating the border crossings between mainstream and independent media, art theory and open source technology, documentary practices and unconventional forms of curating. Educated as a documentary filmmaker and working for the German-French TV station ‘arte’, he has focused on rethinking documentary practices across disciplines. Since 1993 he has pioneered a wide range of projects — most prominently Dictionary of War (2006-2010). One focus of his research is to reflect critically on the relationships between art and activism, aesthetics and politics.
In 2006 he launched the artistic research project ‘Imaginary property’ which investigates a propertization of images and the increasingly imaginary character of property in the age of digital production and networked distribution. In 2013 he has been appointed at NTNU as a Professor for art theory and documentary practices. Schneider has exhibited and lectured worldwide. In August 2014 he has been appointed as Head of the Trondheim Academy of Fine Art in the Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Since 2019 he is Chair of the COST Action CA 18136 “European Forum for Advanced Practices”. He is one of the three leaders of ARTEC, NTNU’s multi-faculty task force on art and technology.

Letizia Jaccheri is Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Jaccheri’s research is on: software engineering; entertainment computing; computational creativity; Global Sustainability Goals with focus on gender in Computer science. She has published more than 200 papers in International conferences and journals. She has been teaching courses in software engineering at various levels since 1994. She has supervised PhD students, Post-doctoral students.
Jaccheri is ACM distinguished speaker and passionate about dissemination of computer science and research to the general public and to contribute to recruit female students to computer science and research.

Edna Pasher earned her Ph.D. (1981) in Media Ecology at New York University’s Department of Communication Arts and Sciences. Edna Pasher founded EP as an international strategic management consulting firm in 1978 that provides customized consulting services to organizations both in the private, public, and third sectors. Edna is co-founder and chairperson of ISCI Israel Smart Cities Institute (NGO) which participates in international ICT R&D and innovation projects funded by the European Union, using a variety of qualitative and quantitative evaluation methodologies, modeling, modeling techniques, and analysis.

Chang Liu has been working as a Chief Scientist and Project Manager at China Academy of Urban Planning and Design (CAUPD) since 2013. She has gained a critical and deep knowledge of the fields of urban development, cultural heritage, and sustainable city planning through sustained research and collaboration projects. She is the principal investigator of the Horizon 2020 project URBAN-EU-CHINA (2017-2019) and the second principle investigator in the “EU-China inter-governmental S&T cooperation projects”. She holds a research project funded by China National Nature Science Foundation (NSFC) in the field of Chinese Urbanisation. In 2019, she has been appointed as the director of Yangtze River Delta Culture & Tourism Research Institute of China Academy of Urban Planning & Design Co., Ltd

Mari Sanden is a Ph.D candidate at the Trondheim Academy of Fine Art at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, where she is exploring the possibilities of artistic research to contribute to mission-oriented research as outlined in the EU’s Research and Innovation Programme Horizon Europe. Her project has a specific focus on the New European Bauhaus and the two mission areas ‘healthy oceans, seas coastal, and inland waters’ and ‘climate-neutral and smart cities.’ She is also Grant Holder Manager of the COST Action ‘European Forum for Advanced Practices.’

Yu Wang is Senior Researcher at department of Architecture and Planning, NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology. His research is focusing on the fast urbanization and its impacts on urban inhabitants, heritage conservation and urban resilience. He also holds a part-time position at international affairs division at rector’s office for NTNU-China cooperation.