Attend Find Your Thesis – an event facilitating collaboration between companies and students.
At Find Your Thesis, companies present potential bachelor or master theses for students at the University of Stavanger, giving students a unique chance to find a relevant thesis. Last years event had around 100 students attending, leading to multiple collaborations.
When: Tuesday 20 September, 12:00 – 14:00
Where: University of Stavanger, room Ø-110 and Ø-130 in Arne Rettedals Hus
Hosted by: Nordic Edge, Lyspæren, Future EnergyHub and the Research Network for Smart Sustainable Cities at the University of Stavanger
12:00 – 12:15: Meet up and get seated
12:15 – 13:00: Pitches from the companies
13:00 – 14:00: Students and companies mingle
For students
Gain valuable insight into companies real life-challenges, while writing a thesis that actually makes a difference!
The event starts off with company presentations, before moving on to mingling between students and companies. You will get the chance to discuss themes more in-depth and find a compatible company.
Thesis themes range from data science, machine learning, business development to marketing, environment, sustainability and much more, so chances of finding a relevant thesis are high.
Press “going” on the facebook event HERE so you get a reminder before the event!

For companies
Meet eager students that can help your company view problems and opportunities from an academic perspective. Since the event is open to students from all study programmes, there is a high possibility of finding a good match!
At the event, each company has three minutes to present potential themes and problem statements for a thesis. After, companies and students get together to mingle and find a good match.
Are you interested in presenting at Find Your Thesis? Contact