Nordic Edge

Find Your Thesis

Attend Find Your Thesis – an event facilitating collaboration between companies and students. 


Innoasis Community Annual Report

At Find Your Thesis, companies present potential bachelor or master theses for students, giving students a unique chance to find a relevant thesis. Last year’s event had around 100 students attending, leading to multiple collaborations. 

Connect with enthusiastic students eager to offer fresh, academic perspectives on your company’s challenges and opportunities. With a diverse mix of students from various study programs in attendance, the odds of discovering a beneficial match are high! 

Each company is granted three valuable minutes to showcase potential thesis themes and problem statements. Following these presentations, both companies and students come together to mingle and seek out ideal partnerships. 


12:00 – 12:15: Meet up and get seated
12:15 – 13:00: Pitches from the companies
13:00 – 14:00: Students and companies mingle 

Are you interested in being a presenter at Find Your Thesis? Contact and take the first step towards an enriching collaboration! 

Companies attending


  • How can a diverse workforce foster innovation for the green shift?  
  • Can a diverse workforce be a competitive advantage for companies within the green shift?  
  • How do companies deal with risks associated with diversifying the workforce? 

Contact information
Yuvalakshmi Thiruthiyappan,


Entro is the leading consultancy in the Nordic region for energy and environmental efficiency in commercial buildings. We ensure green growth for businesses and reduce the risks associated with green transition. We actively engage in market-oriented innovation, collaborate on research with SINTEF, and have innovation projects funded by Innovation Norway and the Norwegian Research Council. Among other things, we explore a multisystemic approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving project management and resource allocation systems. 

Contact information:
Trude Langholm,

Ydalir Hotel

Ydalir Hotel wants to challenge an interdisciplinary team (e.g. with students from NHS and from the Department of Mechanical, Construction and Materials Engineering) to come up with new concepts for flexible rooms at Ydalir. Our objective is to create multipurpose rooms. For example, a breakfast room could also be a meeting room/reading room, or a meeting room could turn into a hotel room for several people.

We also want to digitalise our website when it come to the service offered at the hotel.

Contact information:
Martin Sagen,

City of Stavanger: Mission Cities

  • Biodiversity; nature, environment, climate adaptation
  • 15-minute City; spatial planning, architecture, mobility
  • Circular Urban Economy; redesign, waste, aqua/agriculture
  • Nature Based Solutions; resilience, climate mitigation and adaptation
  • Positive Energy Districts; renewable energy, energy efficiency, citizens
  • New European Bauhaus; art, culture, architecture
  • Synergies to Mission Adaptation, Soil and Ocean

Contact information:
Gerd Seehuus,


Metamorphic is looking for someone to help us inform the public, investors, institutions, and communities about the benefits (and risks) of our projects – as well as mineral exploration and mining in general. The position will be focused on creating and distributing content. Scientific /engineering knowledge is a plus.

Contact information:
Saka Sikaneta,


  • Evaluating and optimizing our digiphysical dermatology experience
  • Understanding barriers and motivators in dermatological care
  • Optimizing first impressions and brand loyalty in dermatology
  • Behavioral economics and cognitive triggers in patient acquisition
  • Expanding reach: attracting the ‘untapped’ demographics

Contact information:
Ola Grav,


Interested in:

  1. Data science
  2. AI models / Machine learning
  3. Mathematics
  4. Statistics
  5. Pricing strategy
  6. SEO

Contact information:
Knut Husdal,


Interested in:

  • Marketing

Contact information:

Luca Oggiano,

City of Stavanger: Labor shortage

Saving Stavanger: How to rebrand a region to attract people?

Stavanger and Norway is among the wealthiest, highest standard of living in the world. How come we have a labour gap? If a foreigner gets a job here, anyone can migrate. If a foreigner gets a job here, anyone can migrate. So where are they? And where are the Norwegians?

Contact information:

Even Eide,


Business development / Sales / Marketing / Political science / Law

  • Bringing the B2G solutions for shared mobility into B2B
  • Recruiting B2C customers to onboard B2B and B2G customers
  • Developing business models from freemium to steady revenue
  • Market entry opportunities where the right conditions are in place
  • Comparative studies of two different countries on share mobility implementation
  • City planning and balanced street utilization

Tech / Data science

  • Development of lightweight analytics modules
  • Dynamic policies according to demand
  • Machine learning on GPS positioning
  • Enhanced predictability of utilization
  • Combining data for better services

Apply through > open positions
Contact information:
Harald Sævareid,


Topic 1:

How can AI be used to enable more thorough work with sustainability, i.e:

  • Assess climate risk
  • Assess risk of violation to human rights in the business value chain

And/or: Is there is a risk that AI will enable more green washing?

  • AI enables companies to pull out more “accurate” information, can it then lead to just creating fancy reports, but in reality, they are doing less on sustainability.

Topic 2:

How can sustainability reporting become less of a burden for Small & medium sized organizations, and rather be an opportunity to integrate sustainability in the company’s way of working?

  • What could be motivational factors?
  • What could be incentives?

Contact information:
Kristina Kjønnås,

Nordic Edge Agritech Cluster


  • What are the biggest opportunities and blockers when introducing agritech in the Norwegian market?
  • Data ownership in new digital services: Who owns the data from agriculture?


  • How can Rogaland become the center of animal feed production in Norway building on existing strengths including forage harvesting and feeding machines and the knowledge about fish feed?
  • How will the “EU fertilising products and amending Regulations (2009)” effect Norwegian farmers?
  • Benefits of hammering grass with a flail («slagjern») vs. cutting it, focusing on nutrients and removal of oxygen for grass used in animal feed.
  • Opportunities and challenges of centralizing animal feed production instead of every farmer doing it.
    «Animal feed as a service».
  • Why isn’t mobile grass and grain processing plants catching on in Norway?


Can cattle produce enough electricity to run a barn, harvesting kinetic energy or similar.
(E.g., 50-60 3-400kg animals moving on mats into feeding and milking robots 3-4 times a day)

Contact information:
Gunnar Crawford,


  • Explore & calculate Scope 3 Greenhouse gas value chain emission from SAR
  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Recovered Oil
  • Life Cycle Assesment (LCA)
  • Wastewater Treatment Optimization

Contact information:
Rouven Uzelmaier,

City of Stavanger: 900th anniversary

  • What kind of forms of identity is Stavanger 2025 helping to construct
  • What is the role of art in Stavanger 2025 and what understandings of art lie as a basis for the anniversary work?
  • What role do cultural policy initiatives such as 2025 have in societal development or for urban development and urban planning?
  • How does the 900th anniversary differ from the jubilee celebrations in 1925 and 1975 and what can it tell us about societal development?
  • How does Stavanger 2025 differ from other cultural policy initiatives such as the European Capital of Culture Year or other jubilee cities?

Contact information:
Stian Kristensen,

Future Energy Hub

MyBox – energy efficiency and renewable energy

Contact information:
Micol Pezzotta,

Strawberry Hotel

  1. 1. To what extent is ACTUAL additional sales linked to the service experience?
    Is that what we think, or do we just think they have a causal relationship because both are so important
  2. To what extent is the breakfast quality/breakfast selection decisive for choosing a hotel? In Sweden, they have a far lower breakfast standard than us, and we think that we will lose guests if we reduce the standard in NO.
    But do we really do that?
  3. To enter a new market. Clarion Hotel Energy wants to be established in the market for motorcycle tourism and wants an analysis of the factors that will be decisive for success in this and makes proposals for a marketing plan for the summer of 2024.

Contact information:
Gjermund Dahl,


  • Building energy efficiency
  • Value of energy monitoring and control

Contact information:
Ruchan Ziya,

In co-operation with:

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