The green transition is central to the strategy of the University of Stavanger towards 2030. We want to lead the way by transforming our educational programmes and research to accelerate the green transition in the region of Stavanger and around the world. On Wednesday May 11, you can hear more about our activities and how we work with regional stakeholders to accelerate the green transition.
Join the University of Stavanger on Wednesday 11th May at the Fish & Cow Restaurant to partake in the following panel debates:
09:00 – 09:45
Panel discussion: Green Buildung in the Age of Extinction
The panel will discuss the role of education in addressing the twin-emergency of climate change and global biodiversity loss.
Moderator: Professor Dolly Jørgensen
Panelists: Professor Finn Arne Jørgensen and Ingrid Hilmer, PhD student
Language: English
10:00 – 10:45
How do we create positive energy districts for the future?
Energy is something most of us take for granted when it is available yet is crucial to the functioning of society. Due to recent geopolitical events, more and more people see that our energy system is vulnerable. Also, our electric grid is lagging on maintenance. A solution to this could be to move in a direction of decentralised renewable energy production, but how can we do this in practice? In this talk we will hear from three experts on energy, coming from different backgrounds.
Moderator: Anders Riel Müller, Project Leader for Future Energy Hub at University of Stavanger
Harald N. Røstvik, Professor at the University of Stavanger specializing in sustainable city development and solar energy. He´s a pioneer in the field, having worked with solar energy since the 1970s. He also built Europe’s first zero energy house powered by renewables outside of Stavanger in Norway.
Ronny Fiuren works as business developer for Forus Næringspark, Norways largest industrial area. His vision is to make Forus energy neutral by 2025. Ronny has experience from tech companies Dell and Oracle, and also as a director in Sysco, working towards the the utility sector.
Helleik Syse works as a PhD researcher in Future Energy Hub at the University of Stavanger focusing on energy in buildings. In 2020 Helleik was nominated as one of 30 role models under the age of 30 by Dagens Næringsliv. Helleik holds an MSc. in Renewable Energy Systems and the Environment from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow.
Language: Norwegian
11:00 – 11:45
How to involve children and youth in the green transition?
The green shift is about creating the society that the next generation will have to live in. It is therefore important to involve the children and youth of today in developing their own future. The panelists will discuss how to do this with special attention to how we can use the arts and creative methods.
Moderator: Jens K. Fisker
Panelists: Johana Montalvan Castilla, PhD and Kristina Ketola Bore, Kunsthall Stavanger
Language: English
12:00-13:00: Lunch
13:00 – 13:45
What is the role of cycling and walking in smart cities?
Do all smart mobility solutions contribute to sustainability? Should we implement smart solutions that attract people away from cycling and walking? What is the impact of micro-mobility and shared mobility?
Moderator: Daniela Müller-Eie, University of Stavanger
Ioannis Kosmidis, University of Stavanger
Ray Pritchard, NORCE
Helmer Berre, Rogaland County Council
Espen Strand Henriksen, Kolumbus
Language: English
Food for thought: challenges and opportunities in the green transition of food production in Norway
Think before you eat, let’s discuss food. Join our talk to where we will discuss current challenges (and opportunities) to implement (to act on) the green transition in the Norwegian food production sector.
Moderator: Ruth Beatriz Pincinato
From Industry:
- Joakim Skarpsno local mushroom producer – Toppsopp, which focuses on circular economy.
- May-Helen Holme is the innovation director of Skretting, which is owned by Nutreco a Dutch feed company.
From Academia:
- Andreea-Laura Cojocaru is a researcher at the Business School at University of Stavanger. She has worked on different aspects of the seafood sectors, including production, market, and regulations. Currently she is involved in several projects looking at the green transition in the aquaculture sector, including the Green Plataform project.
- Ursula Landazuri-Tveterås is a researcher at Norce. She has worked with different food related sectors, from wine to seafood, and currently she is working on projects analyzing food waste in the blue sector, circular economy, and ripple effects from investments in the energy and marine economy.
Language: English
Green Transition and Study at UiS – with Lyspæren/LevelUp/Ingenious/Start UiS
Students at UiS get many opportunities to unleash their creativity in entrepreneurship activities, many of them focusing on sustainability. Say hello to Lyspæren, Start UiS and ECIU University!
A university should be something more than just courses. At University of Stavanger you get many opportunities to channel your creativity and engage with innovation and entrepreneurship, together with fellow students. Let us introduce three of them!
Lyspæren Innovation House is a gathering place for all students, employees, and other partners where the goal is to facilitate for creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship as part of an inspiring community.
Start UiS is a student organization where fellow students with an interest for innovation and entrepreneurship can come together. They collaborate closely with businesses and arrange courses, events and competitions.
As the only university in Norway, UiS also offers students the opportunity to join ECIU University. This is a European University where students, researchers and external partners from 12 countries collaborate to find innovative solutions to real problems. All ECIU Challenges are related to sustainability, and in the pilot phase there has been a special focus on UN sustainable development goal #11, Sustainable cities and communities.
Green transition is central to the strategy of the University of Stavanger towards 2030. We want to lead the way by transforming our educational programmes and research to accelerate the green transition in the region of Stavanger and around the world. On Wednesday May 11, you can hear more about our activities and how we work with regional stakeholders to accelerate the green transition.
Language: Norwegian
Come to Fish & Cow and hear more!