12:05 Welcome
Moderator Tobias Heiberg Jørgensen from Playful Learning at the University College Copenhagen together with co-moderator Merete Løland, Digital Ninja at the Sparebanken 1 SR Bank.
Introduction to the theme of the day; the corona backdrop.
12:12 Keynote
Casper Klynge, Vice president European Government Affairs, Microsoft
12:30 Cases and practices – What did we learn?
Annika Agélii Genlott, Project manager – National action plan for the digitalization of school, Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions
- Melissa Highton, Assistant Principal for Online Learning, University of Edinburgh
13:00 Reflection
Jennifer Rowsell, Professor of Literacies and Social Innovation, University of Bristol
13:18 Design Methodology
ABC Learning design, Clive Young, Digital Education Advisory Team Leader, and Nataša Perović, Digital Education Advisor, University College London
13:37 Perspective
Jeanette Kæseler Mortensen, Futurist and Head of New Business, Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
12:00 – 14:00 CET
We look at how teachers, students and parents got through the crisis. Did the technology deliver what it promised, and have teaching and learning changed forever?
Meet our favourite moderator, Tobias Heiberg Jørgensen.

For the past 20 years, Professor Jennifer Rowsell has been a researcher in literacy education exploring ways of expanding definitions of literacy to be more digital, multimodal, critical, and responsive to children and teenagers’ contemporary needs and motivations.
Having worked in Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom, Rowsell has conducted research in the areas of digital literacies, videogame design, social media and multimodal design, literacy and activism, and a variety of arts-based approaches to teaching and learning literacy and based on this research she has co-written 30 books.
A central focus across all of her research has been incorporating cross-sector professionals in media, design, mental health, and arts sectors into pedagogical planning with teachers in schools and community contexts.
She is a Co-Editor of the Routledge Expanding Literacies in Education book series and Co-Editor of Digital Culture and Education. She holds the position of Professor of Literacies and Social Innovation and Co-Deputy Head of School at the University of Bristol’s School of Education.

Jeanette is a futurist and head of new business at the Institute’s advisory department. Together with her colleagues she advises top management in various industries on issues of strategic concern, using future studies methods.
Together with UNESCO, she works to enhance individuals’ and organisations’ futures literacy skills. In her role as head of new business, she is responsible for establishing partnerships with purposeful businesses, NGOs and investors. Besides, she takes the lead on developing concepts that suit the present projects.
Jeanette’s knowledge of both megatrends and societal development patterns, combined with her previous hands-on experience as an entrepreneur, provides her with rich insight into challenges and opportunities facing companies in fast-changing market.
In 50 years’ time, Jeanette aims to look back and see herself as having contributed to making the world a less anxious and more futures literate place, where uncertainty is seen as a resource rather than an enemy.
Jeanette holds a Master of Science in Global Studies from the Lund University in Sweden. (cand.scient.pol.)

Melissa is Assistant Principal for Online Learning at University of Edinburgh in Scotland and Director of Services for Learning, Teaching and Web.
She is strategic lead for the University’s digital and distance learning and the many educational technology tools which have transformed the new normal for higher education.
With many years’ experience in digital leadership, Melissa will talk about how universities respond to crisis and business continuity with creativity and care.
Her experience of using MOOCs and online masters courses to reach new audiences in new ways will be of interest to the KnowHow EdTech audience.
Melissa Highton will speak under the topic Digital is the new normal on 23 September between 12:00 and 14:00 CET.

Nataša Perović is the Digital Education Advisor at University College London supporting the adoption of UCL’s learning and teaching strategies across the School of Life and Medical Sciences and implementation of ABC LD method across UCL.
She co-developed the ABC learning design method, now used worldwide, and is a member of the Erasmus + project ABCtoVLE UCL team (https://abc-ld.org/)
She also contributes to academic development sessions in UCL Arena Centre for Research-based Education.
Natasa has a background in science, web development and teaching and has been working on e-learning development in medical and allied health sciences in higher education since 2006. She is particularly interested in learning design, blended learning, open educational resources and use of media in education.

Passionate about learning and technology
– I belive in people as drivers for change, and with the right mindset we all can be important change agents for innovation and future ways of working. We need to work smarter, and learn and develop as a part of our everyday work.
Her educational background is six years at the University of Oslo, in psycology, leadership, and a pedagogical Master in ICT in learning.
Merete has worked in serveral companies – Equinor, Bristow and the University of Stavanger – with learning and development, and focus on driving inovation in learning, and the latest years worked with digital skills and mindset for the digital transformation and innovative times we are in the middel of.
The future is now! #new ways of working
– I like learning by making – and started experimenting with digital learning, video, podcasts and changeagents in learning – several years ago, tells Merete.
Digital ninjas as change agents and change makers was her idea, back in 2017 (now adopted by a lot of other companies like NAV, Lyse, Orkla, SR-Bank and more) when we started a great learning journey to upskill Equinor with more digital skillset for everyone, and change mindset for the future ways of working.
Merete even got an award in 2020 – one of Norways top 50 tech-women – https://kampanje.com/tech/2020/03/norges-50-fremste-tech-kvinner-2020/

Casper Klynge is Microsoft’s Vice President for European Government Affairs with responsibility for all of Microsoft’s government affairs and public policy work across the continent. He serves on the senior leadership team of Microsoft’s CELA group.
Prior to joining Microsoft, Casper most recently served as Denmark’s (& the world’s first) Ambassador to the global tech industry.
Previous posts include: Ambassador to Indonesia, Timor Leste, Papua New Guinea & ASEAN (2014-2017), Ambassador to the Republic of Cyprus (2013-2014), Deputy Head of NATO’s Provincial Reconstruction Team in Helmand Province, Afghanistan & Head of Mission of the EU’s civilian crisis management planning mission in Kosovo (2006-2008). Casper holds a M.Sc. in Political Science and is a 2009 Marshall Memorial Fellow.
Casper will be the keynote on 23 September between 12:00 – 14:00 CET.