Nordic Edge ExpoOslo

Welcome from Oslo

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Malin is a Senior Advisor for Design and Architecture Norway (DOGA). She works with innovative urban and local development, and how interaction between people and technology can contribute to smarter and more sustainable cities and places. Malin holds a Master’s Degree in political communication from Aarhus University in Denmark.

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Anne Romsaas is Chief Adviser on SDG in KS – The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities, and Chairman of the board in the Norwegian Smart Cities Network. She works to motivate, support and encourage Norwegian Municipalities and Regional Authorities to develop innovative and good services for citizens and inclusive communities through applying the SDGs and Smart City technology, and lobby to strengthen local democracy and enabling environments for local development. Anne Romsaas has a Masters Degree in Sociology, and has worked in the municipal sector for many years, mainly with innovation, technology and competency building actions.

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Advisor in Research administration and funding at the Research Council of Norway. Coordinating City research portifolio and Portifolio board coordinator of a large Norwegian research portifolio on Land-based food, the environment and bioresources.

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