Nordic Edge Expo

Breakout session: How digitalization changes the way we move in the smarter city

Public transport is something that we all have an opinion about – whether we travel by it or not. But we all can agree that it can transform cities – making them more sustainable and easier to get around in with less congestions. The trick is to increase its ridership. But how? Digitalization, connected solutions (IoT) and data insights are remedy’s to a lot of the pains that the public transport authorities and operators have. But it must always start with a people driven mindset to be able to succeed. It starts with the passengers and their needs.

During this session Jenny Gustavsson, Head of Yrban Transport and Elin Allison, Head of Strategy Data Insights at Telia Global Division X, will guide you through the challenges for public transport today, the trends that are affecting it. But also discussing the smart IoT solutions and insights from crowd movement data that are optimizing sustainable operations as well as making public transport the better choice for the passengers than taking the car. You will also get an exciting view into different real world cases from the Public transport industry in the Nordics and the US.

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Head of Urban Transport at Telia Global and Division X, has 18 years of experience working within the transport industry, always with a strong focus on customer centricity. Today she is part of the team driving Telia’s public transport industry portfolio consisting of Internet of things (IoT) and Crowd Insight solutions at Divison X, Telia’s global department for innovation and emerging business. Prior to Telia, Jenny has held various industry specific positions at Ericsson within Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Smart Cities, Sustainability and Automotive

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Head of Strategy Data Insights, Telia Global Division X, has +15 years of international experience across Telecom and IT software sectors working for multinationals such as Microsoft, Hutchison Whampoa before joining Telia Company in 2015. She has a background in product management, business development and incubation sales for retail, IoT and public sector. Today Elin heads up Telia’s Division X New Products portfolio team for data insights products and is a regular speaker at industry events.

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