Horizon Europe Norwegian Urban Partnerships (HEU NUP) is working closely with European and UN partners to develop a platform aimed at reaching the target of 100 climate-neutral cities by 2030.

On November 23 the HEU NUP consortium, in collaboration with The Norwegian Research Council, KS, Innovation Norway, SINTEF and Bærekraftnettverket hosted a webinar to map the status of climate neutrality in Norway.

The session heard inspiring presentations from a wide variety of organisations presenting what’s being done today, what challenges and opportunities they see in achieving the goal of 100 climate neutral cities by 2030.

The following organisations presented:

Watch the Webinar

The webinar was hosted in connection with the Norwegian governments Sustainability Conference (Bærekraftskonferansen). The inspiring presentations from large and small, public and private organisations ranging from culture, sports, city planning and authorities is that there is a lot of valuable initiatives taking place across the country. The HEU NUP consortium will build on this contribution towards Europe and the mission for climate neutral cities.

(The webinar is in Norwegian)