We are excited to announce that two of our collaborators, InfoTiles and ProVenture have teamed up.
– We see great potential in the InfoTiles platform across industry segments. ProVenture invests in world class teams, products and technologies that advances the 4th industrial revolution in the context of sustainability and renewables, says Borgar Ljosland Sr. Partner at ProVenture.
Ljosland says that InfoTiles’ streaming of data platform is a cost efficient, easy-to-use and flexible Saas/PaaS platform which significantly lowers the barriers for organisations to digitalise their operations and having a platform that enables current and future machine learning, artificial intelligence and autonomous systems to be smoothly integrated into their organisation.
‘Netflix for data’
InfoTiles has nicknamed its cloud-based streaming service, a ‘Netflix of data’. The platform gathers data from sensors, open data and older systems to, for example, evaluate cause-consequence and simplify maintenance of city services such as water distribution, drainage and waste water.
– Early on, we felt that ProVenture understood the potential of what we are doing here at InfoTiles, and we liked that they challenged us on the right things, says co-founder Johnny Alexander Gunneng.
– We have a meritocracy culture of letting the most skilled person have the final decision here at InfoTiles and saw that ProVenture would add value to our organisation with their experience and knowledge of scaling companies, he added.
Investing in scalability
ProVenture has over 15 years of experience in investing into early stage technology companies. The company invests in companies with world class teams, unique technologies, and global aspirations. Its third fund, ‘ProVenture Seed III – Sustainable digital investments’ opened up for investments in March 2020. The fund is an active investor, making investments primarily in Nordic companies, but the fund is open to do investments internationally, particularly looking for digital technology that can help accelerate up and downstream the renewable energy transition the world is in.
Next Up
Ramping up the development locally, building use-cases nationally and bringing InfoTiles faster to the global Smart city market. InfoTiles will continue building partnerships with other members such as Microsoft and Lyse. In addition, they have also started a co-investor process to further strengthen their expansion